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Bruma CTD


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for some reason i can't enter bruma anymore... whether i walk in or fast travel the game always crashes in the loading screen. i've tried reinstalling clean and reinstalling with the mods active and still no bruma. all the other cities are fine, its only bruma... which is what initially prompted me to reinstall the game with no mods. i even went through and reactivated my mods one at a time to try and single out the culprit. i know this problem is kinda vague, but if anyone has any ideas on how to fix it......PLEASE let me know. i'm beyond frustrated!
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there is no load order... i reinstalled the game with no mods at all, started a new game with a new character and it still happens.... i've reinstalled the game at least 5 different times since this problem started, so i cant even say it was just a bad install.



what's blood & mud?

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Have you been working with the construction set? You might have changed a file. If not then I would uninstall Oblivion and then go into your files and remove any of them that pertain to the game before reinstalling. I.m no expert so this is just a suggestion.
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i did use the CS to add some storage to the Benirus Manor in Anvil, but Anvil loads just fine.... i'm not much of a modder, so it is definitely possible that i messed something up with the CS. But why would that have any affect on anything after i reinstalled without using that mod?
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Ok well, i seemed to have fixed my problem...not sure why this made a difference but it did.


i did another clean install, but instead of using the 1.2 patch i just installed shivering isles (haven't used SI in over a year).

for whatever reason, bruma loads up fine now... so problem solved, but like i said, i don't really understand why. :dry:


could the 1.2 patch cause a bug like that outa nowhere?

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