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The default for ugridstoload is 5. If you have changed this, it could be part of the problem, since increasing this value means more of the skyrim world load than were intended, not just terrain but characters, critters, scripts, everything. This becomes even more of an issue if you are using a lot of mods that spawn extra stuff.

There is no slider option for ugrids, because it was not intended to be changes like a regular setting.

If you look at your skyrim..ini (the one in your documetns file, not the data file) you will see this value in the first section, [General]. There are two settings that affect this, the other is the uexteriorcellbuffer(this should be just about gridstoload). These have to be set at the proper ratio, so another thing that might be a cause is if you changes the ugrids but not the cell buffer.


The first thing I would do is check out your ugrids and cell buffer.

The proper values would be as follows


ugrids=5 , then cellbuffer= 36 (this is the default

ugrids=7, cellbuffer=64

ugrids=9 cellbuffer 100


According to the Geforce tweak guide, 3gridstoload is unstable, though I have read posts of people using it. Likewise anything over 9 is probably unstable. (this value has to be an odd integer).


If you want to change that value, I strongly recommend you go to the Geforce link for an explanation about how it must be changed. I personally use 7grids, and was able to do fine with earlier versions of some mods like SkyMo, but as they expanded (to something like triple in size) I had to make a choice, and removed that mod.


If your ugrids is at 9, or maybe even 7, then you may need to choose between that and some of your mods, but you may not have to give up both.

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The default for ugridstoload is 5. If you have changed this, it could be part of the problem, since increasing this value means more of the skyrim world load than were intended, not just terrain but characters, critters, scripts, everything. This becomes even more of an issue if you are using a lot of mods that spawn extra stuff.

There is no slider option for ugrids, because it was not intended to be changes like a regular setting.

If you look at your skyrim..ini (the one in your documetns file, not the data file) you will see this value in the first section, [General]. There are two settings that affect this, the other is the uexteriorcellbuffer(this should be just about gridstoload). These have to be set at the proper ratio, so another thing that might be a cause is if you changes the ugrids but not the cell buffer.


The first thing I would do is check out your ugrids and cell buffer.

The proper values would be as follows


ugrids=5 , then cellbuffer= 36 (this is the default

ugrids=7, cellbuffer=64

ugrids=9 cellbuffer 100


According to the Geforce tweak guide, 3gridstoload is unstable, though I have read posts of people using it. Likewise anything over 9 is probably unstable. (this value has to be an odd integer).


If you want to change that value, I strongly recommend you go to the Geforce link for an explanation about how it must be changed. I personally use 7grids, and was able to do fine with earlier versions of some mods like SkyMo, but as they expanded (to something like triple in size) I had to make a choice, and removed that mod.


If your ugrids is at 9, or maybe even 7, then you may need to choose between that and some of your mods, but you may not have to give up both.



Did some ini tweeks and eliminated the Lanterns of tamriel ( the lamposts along the main roads) that stopped my frequent and predictable CTDs and i havent had another since i got home from work. So far so good. Now I need to find the one messing with mounted combat. I manually set ugrid to 5 and left it a few days ago so that probably has no effect considering you said its default.

Edited by ual002
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