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assistance needed, hiccups while mathing out weapon scripts


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Making a bit of headway into weapon scripting, convoluted linkage aside..


I've encountered one stellar hiccup I am unable to address, so here goes




Here's my script:

scriptName _OnEffectBloodGold extends activemagiceffect
{Script to gain gold based on the amount of health lost.}

import Math
miscobject property Gold auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	float BaseHP = Math.Ceiling(akTarget.GetBaseActorValue("Health"))
	float CurrentHP = Math.Ceiling(akTarget.GetActorValue("Health"))
	float HealthPercent = CurrentHP / BaseHP
	int Calc = BaseHP * (1 - HealthPercent)

	akCaster.AddItem(Gold, Calc )

when variables are singular, the effects shows up, ie int BaseHP or int CurrentHP
but when they are combined, ie int Calc
it does not work.
unsure what I may be doing wrong.. :psyduck:

Edited by 3aq
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