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Adding a new quest to the game?


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So I think I've gotten a rudimentary grasp of the toolset, and I've been working on adding my own custom quest to the main game - but I just can't seem to hack it. No matter what I do, the quest starter NPC will not appear in Lothering as I had intended.


Yes, I added him to Lothering (he's just outside the Chantry) through my addin mod (didn't edit the Single Player directly), but he just won't show up. What am I doing wrong?

Edited by Falkner1992
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I'm by no means an expert on this aspect of DAO modding, but to get the ball rolling... how did you add the NPC (by directly editing the area or via a PRCSCR Script)...? Are you testing from a save prior to entering the Lothering map for the first time?

Edited by theskymoves
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I'm by no means an expert on this aspect of DAO modding, but to get the ball rolling... how did you add the NPC (by directly editing the area or via a PRCSCR Script)...? Are you testing from a save prior to entering the Lothering map for the first time?


I edited the area. I know it's not considered kosher, but am I honestly supposed to add every NPC via script? That just seems wildly impractical. Also, no, I'm not testing from a save prior to entering Lothering - never even occurred to me to try. One moment please.



Nope. Just reloaded a save right before leaving Flemeth's hut and entering Lothering for the first time. Still nothing.

Edited by Falkner1992
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best i can help with, or maybe try asking people who have made quest mods on the nexus before?


Thanks, but I already checked that. That's the problem with this toolset - it's byzantine enough as it is, but the fact you can't actually open up mods other people made on it and "look under the hood" just makes it so much worse.

Edited by Falkner1992
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I edited the area. I know it's not considered kosher, but am I honestly supposed to add every NPC via script? That just seems wildly impractical. Also, no, I'm not testing from a save prior to entering Lothering - never even occurred to me to try. One moment please.



Nope. Just reloaded a save right before leaving Flemeth's hut and entering Lothering for the first time. Still nothing.



Pretty much I say yes to that. Personally, I tend to avoid mods that alter core resources, especially for something as simple making pcrscr script to add it....Editing core resources makes your mods run a high risk of breaking other people's games (assuming you're planning on uploading it) and causing all sorts of compatibility issues. Do it to enough resources and it gets to the point only your mods will work with your mods which isn't fair to anyone. That said....


When adding content directly into an area, if there isn't a lot of it, open a local copy of the file and do it in there. It won't save it permanently, but you run less risk of permanently breaking things.


Two things come to mind as what the problem might be....First, are you certain you are making the object active? And second, are you exporting the object and area file?

Edited by LadyHonor
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Dumb question: is your install otherwise modded and if it is, are you certain that none of the installed mods also directly edits the area file for Lothering (such as Improved Atmosphere and Flash Creatures Rescale)?

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Dumb question: is your install otherwise modded and if it is, are you certain that none of the installed mods also directly edits the area file for Lothering (such as Improved Atmosphere and Flash Creatures Rescale)?

The only addin mods I have are Skip the Fade and skill respec. Nothing like that...




Don't know how relevant this, but every time I check out the Lothering area for edit, I get this message:



Edited by Falkner1992
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