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Total Realism Overhaul


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I am currently in the planning stages for a new mod. I called it the Total Realism Overall (TRO), and it will make several changes to how skyrim plays.


This is what I am planning...


1; Realistic Hunting

Players will no longer be able to simply loot meat off of animals. If you kill a deer, you will either have to carry the whole animal back you town to have it butchered, or butcher it yourself (which requires a perk). Smaller animals, such as rabbits, can be carried as part of your inventory, but must be butchered before the meat can be used or sold. When you butcher an animal, you get several cuts of meat, and the animals hide.


2; Crafting Skill Tree

Instead of simply having blacksmithing, I want to create an entire skill tree for all of the crafting for the game......Fletching (arrow making), Bowmaking, tailoring, blacksmithing, etc will all be part of this tree. Players will be able to make everything from arrows, or shoes, if they have the skill and materials.


3; Improved cooking

I will make cooking much more realistic. You will no longer be stiring a pot to make every dish. Instead, there will be different cooking instruments that are used to look different things. Soups and stews will still use the pot, to make other things, such as pies, bread, etc, you would use a special "bread oven". and to make meats you will use a spit.

But the biggest change to the cooking is the recipes. Instead of having salt piles as the central ingredient in everything, recipes will be based on the real world counterparts. Spices and herbs will also be able to be added to any dish for added effect. There will be numerous recipes added to the game and many changes to the ones that are already in.


4; Hunger/Thirst/Heat/Cold effects

You will have several new meters in the game to take care of. You will have to eat and drink to keep your hunger and thirst meters in check. Not eating or drinking anything for several hours will cause the player to grow weaker, and eventually they will begin to lose health. Heat and Cold can also effect the player. if the player does not dress warmly enough while in cold weather, they can freeze to death, and heat causes the player to choose water faster, causing the thirst meter to rise more quickly.


5; Improved Roads

This is more for cosmetics than anything else. The main roads will be replaced with a wide, paved highway system. The side roads will remain the same as they normally are.


This is what I think the finished roads should look like.


6; Currency & Prices

I will be adding copper, and silver coins to the game. All of the coins will share the name Septim (Copper Septim, Silver Septim, and Gold Septim).

The Septim Coins will all bear the image of a particular emperor. Gold Septims will still have Tiber Septim. Silver Septims will bear the image of Martin Septim (as a tribute to him in honor of his sacrificing his own life to save the empire), and I am still not sure who the coppers should bear.

100 Copper Septims will equal 1 Silver Septim, and 100 Silver Septims will equal 1 Gold Septim.

Common items like food, cheap cloths, etc will cost only a few copper septims. Gold will be reserved for the most expensive items such as weapons, armor, high level potions etc...


7; Realistic Weather

I will be reworking the weather so that it actually effects the game. If a huge blizzard hits a mountain, the passes may be blocked. A river will flood if too much rain falls. Lightning from a thunder storm will start forest fires at times.


8; Realistic Crime System

Players will actually be put on trial for crimes instead of simply being thrown in jail. You will actually have a chance to prove your "innocence" If you can convince a local ruler that you did not commit a crime.


9; Horse Tending

If you own a horse, you will have to take care of it. You have to make sure it has food, water, etc and you also have to make sure to keep it properly shoed. If a horse loses a shoe, it will not be able to move as quickly and will be at a severe disadvange in battle. Horseshoes will be added to the items made by blacksmiths and players will be able to make their own if they wish.

Edited by Daggdag
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interested in the crime system! the one that is implemented is such a crock, i mean it should be evident who did it not to mention i kind of wish that in the thieves guild when you actually plant evidence on someone or in there house, that u can see them go down for it and visit them in the jail and so on. Do with that Idea what u will, it prob isnt that original. Hell it annoys me that NPCs always look at you when you walk by (which is contradictory to what an author wrote about the game before it came out). Makes you feel less part of the world and more like you stick out and are the thing that really shouldn't be there.


Any ways good luck, im going to be checkin back on this. I would love a play through with such systems implemented!

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