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Project N&D

Lord Barkmann

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Project N&D


Detail of the mod:


Name: The Necromancer and the Demon


This well be my first mod of this size, as im still a noob at most things when it comes to modding so keep that in mind. This mod is about necromancers and a demon, there be some quest to find this demon and kill him or maybe the demon will ask you to kill the ones that sent you after him in the first place, who knows. There be a necro inn kinda home where you can meet other necros and trade goods with them, a place to sleep, eat, drink. There be items to win, by finishing some quest, necro armor and a necro dagger and maybe a ring of power. 20+ NPCs

be added into the mod. A new type of necro class for the npcs, BattleNecro. Custom spell books. Storyline to tell about the necros and the demon. WARNING to get into the necros inn you have to train up to at less lvl 20. When you find the demon, he will be one bad ass angel to fight, at lvl 35. Once again this is my first big mod and alot of stuff will be stuff that came with the CS, and i have some other mods that i added into my mod, not much just some stuff, baby steps maybe with more over time i can do more but for now this is the best i can do. Im looking for some help on some stuff i will give a small list of some things i cant do, i even tried but cant do it. So this mod is for the necro in all of us, demon, loot, other necro friends, quests, rishes, a home and more later on.


I be working on alot of stuff right now like>>>>


1. Working on 20+ NPCs

2. Working on the NPC Demon Boss

3. Working on Custom Class + Spells

4. Working on Necro Inn/Home just re-decorating (dont know how to make a new building)

5. Working on the Demon's den re-decorating


This stuff im doing may not be alot of hard work to others but to me its hard :) hint me noob remember :(



Looking for helper/helpers>>>>


1. Scripter >>>>script 3 books where when the pc reads it you get spells. Scrip for some quests.

2. Someone who can re-texture a dagger blade.

3. A writer for some books/notes/storyline (I can help with some of that)



When i fast started playing Oblivion back 2 years ago, i love the game and when i came across mods, it just made the game 10 times better. So afew months ago i download CS and some other tools and started to learn to do some mods. At first i could'nt mod my name, after some time and reading a poo load of infor im on my way to make small mods :) I know this will take me some time and i dont mind, at less i be learning as i go, and i hope this is the right place for this. If not Sorry to everyone.


My Thanks......Lord Barkmann


P.S. You can find me on the forums as Lord Barkmann

MSN [email protected]

Xfire barkmann77

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I can script and retexture, but you might want to take the opportunity to dip your feet into basic scripting yourself. Adding spells by reading books is really easy. Go under Gameplay/Edit Scripts in the CS and select New. The script in question should go something like...


scn MySpellbook1Script
;scn stands for scriptname.  All scripts need to be named on their first line.

Begin OnActivate player
;All of a script's functions need to be placed in a Begin/End block.
;The contents of a Begin OnActivate block run when someone activates it.
;Since this is "OnActivate player", it'll only run when the player is the one activating it.
;In case you're curious, lines that start with a semicolon aren't actually processed by the game.

 player.AddSpell MySpell1
;Add more lines like this if you want the spellbook to give the player more than one spell.
;If the spell in question is a Spell or Power, AddSpell adds it to the subject's spellbook.
;If it's a disease or ability, it adds it to the subject's active effects.

 activate player
;An OnActivate block overrides what would otherwise happen when you activate the object.
;Having the player activate it *again* via script, however, does not unless specifically stated.
;If you didn't do this, you'd get the spells, but the book wouldn't open.

;Ends the Begin/End block.

Begin OnEquip player
;OnEquip runs if you click on the object in your inventory...  Even if it's not equippable.

 player.AddSpell MySpell1
;You know the drill.  Add more AddSpell lines if you want it to give you more than one.


The drop-down box up top determines the type of script. Since we're attaching this to a book, leave it at Object. Then just attach the script to the book and you're done.

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Not bad, working on the npcs still, got the demon done.

Also working on the spells and 2 books.


Still looking for someoen who is a good writer, who is good at writing books. Nothing too long.

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