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Winged Succubus style for female Vampire Lord


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I generally prefer male characters I play to appear fierce and deadly, so I take no issue with the male Vampire Lord form.

For female characters I go for beautiful, terrifyingly so even, and deadly.


I visualize the female vampire lord form as something much different that we see in Vanilla Skyrim.


Now there are already a half a dozen nude vampire lord textures out there, that’s' fine but that’s not what I'm going for here.


I picture a creature similar to the succubus mods for oblivion.

-Larger or at least more bat like wings instead of the atrophied, nearly web less ones we get, and a tail.

-Skin more red or purple like Dremora or Mazken and certainly less wrinkly.

-Noticeably female features both face and body and keep their hair.


I imagine it would be able to use the default animations so this is really just a mesh and textures.





http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22903 ...wings are to way to small IMHO


I'm sure somebody is already working on something like this, at least I hope so.

Edited by phreatophile
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God I hope so...


"Oh you spent an hour fine tuning and adjusting your character so they'd look amazing even without mods? Well, now you're a nasty skeeze witch with awkward wings and only vaguely look like a vampire, have fun!" -Bethesda


That was seriously my only gripe with Dawnguard. The Vampire Lords look ridiculous.


"Behold the power!"

"Oh... Umm cool. You're a nasty greyish blue old guy. With a beer belly. And pathetic looking winds... Yeah no thanks on the gift bro, I'll be back in a week to murder you all. Isran says hi!"

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This request is pure win...


I personally don't like my wonderful character turn into... that thing whatever it is it's clearly not a vampire (insert twilight joke with sparkles here)

hopefully a mod author take a look at this idea and does something with it :D I know I would download it

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