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I've been working on animations myself for quite some while, but something has been missing. I love playing as an archer but for some reason my KF files do not work well on any version of 3dsmax.


Could you extract the HKX files from the animations BSA, convert them to KF and upload them here? :turned:


I would really appreciate it and would credit you as the good saint who made it possible for me to create awesome animations and idles :biggrin: .

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I have a simple request. Can you make mod a that changes the opening main menu music to this:






done, give me a few hours and il have it for you


fixed, uploading now, il drop you the link


Your Upload sir (hint, Click Here)


Wow! That was quick! Thank you so much kind sir. :thumbsup:


yet no kudos. oh well theres always tomorrow


Sorry I was away all day, finally got home. Endorsed!


Oh, and Kudos to you too.

Edited by RasAlgethi24
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hi, i 'd like to submit the port of Wyrm mail armor 'http://d.namipan.com/d/64fe5f6ed69791d04a69feda471c86f7c2aa14a570493d00

from Oblivion, it was my favorite one.


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I would love to see a set of enchanted items for alchemy and smithing that are within the vanilla game limits. I would do it myself but I have no experience with the CK but it does seem like a simple and easy task to do.

Such as for alchemy:

ring 33%

amultet 33%

falmer helmet 33%

gloves 33%

circlet 33%


and smithing:

gloves 33%

chest 33%

necklace 33%

ring 33%


The ring, amulet, and gloves could have both enchantments to cut down on item count. The type of ring and necklace doesn't really matter but I would prefer a plain silver or gold ones. For the gloves they can simply be the plain cloth gloves and the chest for smithing I would like to be the dark red apron. The circlet for alchemy can be gold and emerald. As to the naming the items that have both enhants could be named along the lines "Crafting gloves" and "Crafting Ring." For the alchemy and smithing ones I would like just simply "Smithing Apron, Alchemy Helmet, Alchemy circlet, etc...


As for getting the items to the character perhaps somewhere near the start of the game? Doesn't really matter to me as long as I could get it early and its easily accesable.


you can make these withing game yourself, get soul gems, capture souls and use the arcane enchanter to make them

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I mainly use Ebony Mail (cool looking armor plus sneak for tanks!), and the rest of the set for the Heavy Armor bonuses... But I think that the helm is just the worst. I toggle it on and off for fights... and that really sucks.

I would really like a mod that either replaces the Ebony Helm or just adds a variant with the model of the Ancient Nord Helm (best helm model in the game imho) with whatever Ebony textures are currenty loaded into the game (like the Crown Helments mod).


That can be arranges pretty soon, il have it add to the list, we just have a few other projects first


Just asking for that armor port I asked for, but would it be possible for you to trim the gauntlets and leggings with a touch of red? If not then don't worry about it, just having the armor is good for me. XD


not trying to be rude but if you have asked for something and we have looked at it, dont keep asking, we will get round to it, in time

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