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I'd really appreciate it if you could help me out, I love using custom armors, but sometimes their over powered, or under powered. I was hoping for some amazing modder to set up a way to... Transfer the stats of one armor to the other. For example, let's say I download some super cool armor, but the modder just tricks it out a bit too much. When I start a new game, I can't use that armor because it's so friggin' powerful it's game breaking, so I take it to an NPC, or I cast a spell, or I use a special table to basically imprint it with the stats of a vanilla piece of armor. (Enchantments and armor and everything get's wiped.) Same thing for a weapon. I'm really hoping I'm being clear about what I want and it's not too hard.


Also, I think it's awesome what you're doing here, I love the nexus community and people like you who take the time and effort to help people out who don't have the skill or abilities you have. It's just cool to me that there are people out their giving up their time for no other reason then to make the game more fun for the mass public. So here's my little thanks (and Kudos, and Endorsement to come,) to you sambeevors and Blade-Ravinger, for your efforts in making the community an even better place then it already is. Blech, that sounded so sappy. I mean it's true, but this is the third draft and the other two were even worse.


Thanks guys.


Actually, I just saw something and I'd like to change my request...


Simply, in this mod you would create your character, pick your race, pretty (or ugly) up its looks, then type in his name. After you type in his name a second menu would appear, it allows you to take your base stats (The base 15, and the subsequent +5, +10 bonuses,) and re-arrange them for your play style. Like, taking One-Handed down to Zero, and moving Conjuration up to 30, allowing you to min max your character. I'd also like the ability to choose (maybe based on a point buy,) your starting racial power, or using your points to buy more health / mana. I liked the +50 MP boost to the high elves, and if I'd so choose, I'd like to trade in his current ability for that 50 point boost.


Sorry, this idea just seemed... Better.


>_< I hope you guys don't feel like I'm taking you for granted or anything. Still an amazing thing you're doing. <3

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^Already a mod for that. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21587


And for simple request like just to change the stats on an armor, all you need to do is download the creation kit from steam Open up the mod plug in (set as active), find the item, right click edit, and change the stats as you see fit,save. Its real easy.


I don't know much about modding either but I can do basic stuff like this.

Edited by RasAlgethi24
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If there is a way,then PLEASE make a female bard Npc that sings like

. An argonian version of the Npc would be nice too,so I could marry her. Of course,first to ask of she allows the usage of the sound files.



You know, I allready requested it. ;)


Hope there will be more, than Main theme Replacer. :thumbsup:

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Wow, You sir are a hero! And it seems that you've got a lot of work infront of you ;)


Anyhow. I would like to request a mod that allows me to become the vampire lord without actually being a vampire. I tried to just add the power spell but when I change back I become a vampire. And I don't want to be that.


So please Sambeevors(/MTV) Create my mod (/Pimp my ride)


Yeah I just gave you kudos and commented on one of your mods so I hope I gained some points now :)

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a mod that replaces the imperial armour with redcoat garb from the revolutionary war, and american garb for the stormcloaks, and also replaces their weapons with muskets and sabers, (there are some people working on muskets right now) and replace the catapults at the siege of whiterun with cannons, and use conquistador armor for the regular guards. that would be the best mod ever!
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