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Minor spoiler--Hey, I have a DEEP problem, as we all know with the new Skyrim expansion: Dawnguard! There is a quest for the vampires where you can create a thrall...I have to have this on people besides the one guy...and having a max of 3ish sounds good. I would want the process to be the same, vamp seduction, then make thrall option next to the feed and talk options. When they are sleeping you don't need to use the seduction spell, and if hostile before you use spell you have to due around 50% damage fist before the spell will work ( this last one is just a w/e, don't need to add it just making it "smoother".) Anyway the main point would be to provide this thrall ability to the player vampire. All i see is other vamp.'s hording 20 thralls and i can't even make one besides a quest guy!? This is insanity! This mod should have been implemented in the first place but now i brought it here, So can you help me? ( stealing some dialog things for thralls from the quest guy you do it too to make it show off how "amazing you are" in there eyes would be nice too) Please Help!!!!!! I would like to discuss any changes that would have to be made to make this mod or what you think would make it better but im hoping this is simple enough not to take a month. THanks!
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One quick easy request.

Here a mod I used back in oblivion but it seems like the author does not make mods anymore. I checked his profile page and his last login was 11/11/11 (strange)


You can just port all of the headbands to Skyrim and its done.

Simple Right?

I can re-text them. All I want you to do is port all of them to skyrim and i'll do the re-texting.

im afrade its not so simple, skyrim has a different texture pack (3 layers to increase quality) so the textures will have to be updated


il look into it and find an easy way if i can il il sort it for you

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One quick easy request.

Here a mod I used back in oblivion but it seems like the author does not make mods anymore. I checked his profile page and his last login was 11/11/11 (strange)


You can just port all of the headbands to Skyrim and its done.

Simple Right?

I can re-text them. All I want you to do is port all of them to skyrim and i'll do the re-texting.

im afrade its not so simple, skyrim has a different texture pack (3 layers to increase quality) so the textures will have to be updated


il look into it and find an easy way if i can il il sort it for you


Thats alright, i knew it was gonna be complicated because I've been researching about importing from Oblivion to Skyrim lol.

If its that complicated you can do the everything. If possible.

Edited by Lolnoobs
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One quick easy request.

Here a mod I used back in oblivion but it seems like the author does not make mods anymore. I checked his profile page and his last login was 11/11/11 (strange)


You can just port all of the headbands to Skyrim and its done.

Simple Right?

I can re-text them. All I want you to do is port all of them to skyrim and i'll do the re-texting.

im afrade its not so simple, skyrim has a different texture pack (3 layers to increase quality) so the textures will have to be updated


il look into it and find an easy way if i can il il sort it for you


Thats alright, i knew it was gonna be complicated because I've been researching about it lol.

If its that complicated you can do the re-texting, if possible.


il need to get to the texture tuts then il look after i have finished my current mods

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One quick easy request.

Here a mod I used back in oblivion but it seems like the author does not make mods anymore. I checked his profile page and his last login was 11/11/11 (strange)


You can just port all of the headbands to Skyrim and its done.

Simple Right?

I can re-text them. All I want you to do is port all of them to skyrim and i'll do the re-texting.

im afrade its not so simple, skyrim has a different texture pack (3 layers to increase quality) so the textures will have to be updated


il look into it and find an easy way if i can il il sort it for you


Thats alright, i knew it was gonna be complicated because I've been researching about it lol.

If its that complicated you can do the re-texting, if possible.


il need to get to the texture tuts then il look after i have finished my current mods

mmkays. I'll wait for more info about it.

Edited by Lolnoobs
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One quick easy request.

Here a mod I used back in oblivion but it seems like the author does not make mods anymore. I checked his profile page and his last login was 11/11/11 (strange)


You can just port all of the headbands to Skyrim and its done.

Simple Right?

I can re-text them. All I want you to do is port all of them to skyrim and i'll do the re-texting.

im afrade its not so simple, skyrim has a different texture pack (3 layers to increase quality) so the textures will have to be updated


il look into it and find an easy way if i can il il sort it for you


Thats alright, i knew it was gonna be complicated because I've been researching about it lol.

If its that complicated you can do the re-texting, if possible.


il need to get to the texture tuts then il look after i have finished my current mods

mmkays. I'll wait for more info about it.



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I would love to see a set of enchanted items for alchemy and smithing that are within the vanilla game limits. I would do it myself but I have no experience with the CK but it does seem like a simple and easy task to do.

Such as for alchemy:

ring 33%

amultet 33%

falmer helmet 33%

gloves 33%

circlet 33%


and smithing:

gloves 33%

chest 33%

necklace 33%

ring 33%


The ring, amulet, and gloves could have both enchantments to cut down on item count. The type of ring and necklace doesn't really matter but I would prefer a plain silver or gold ones. For the gloves they can simply be the plain cloth gloves and the chest for smithing I would like to be the dark red apron. The circlet for alchemy can be gold and emerald. As to the naming the items that have both enhants could be named along the lines "Crafting gloves" and "Crafting Ring." For the alchemy and smithing ones I would like just simply "Smithing Apron, Alchemy Helmet, Alchemy circlet, etc...


As for getting the items to the character perhaps somewhere near the start of the game? Doesn't really matter to me as long as I could get it early and its easily accesable.


Yes, please do this, holy mod creator!!

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Hi everyone I would really appreciate it if I could still be in my normal form while in Vampire Lord "Mode" I mean the way it looks at the moment just freaks me out a little.

It would be great if we could still hover to use blood magic and be on the ground for melee attacks and well if we only keep our claws for melee attacks otherwise it would look like you're just slapping the person I now it's probably a lot of work but if I knew how to do it I definitely would.


Thanks in advance :biggrin:

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ryukaito, on 30 August 2012 - 03:17 PM, said:

Hi there and wanted to say i realy appreciate that u listened and realy trying for us for that thanks:)


I have a question about fishing.


My question is whether it is possible to make a mod with a real fishing rod?


So that we can fish in every pool in skyrim, (but not swim for a fish), but with a fishing rod:)


First of al it would be more realistic and much more fun to do this, dont know if it is posible so just asking:)


I realy love the idea of fishing it gives you a more relaxing feeling with all the nattur around you:)


plz let me know its a dream to can fish in skyrim with a real fishing rod


I wish you the best, and have a nice day, greetings to u.



its possable, hard but it can be done, il look into it and let you know if were going to do it in the future


Hi there again and thanks for the quick replay I just wait patiently and who knows maby my dream wil come true :) thanks ahead and very good day to u:)

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Please dont Repeat Requests as in Double Posting, these are People with Real Lives and cant always do Requests by the minute.


Ive seen this before many times where someone say I will make a Mod for you, then the OP disappears for 3 days or a Week while leaving you Disappointed.


Its Cool but a Mistake when the OP says he will do it, but dont expect results on the same day, it will take time.

Edited by daventry
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