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"Hearthfire" Negative Talk


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Yeah, they should patch the game first. I just reinstalled it because the patches messed up my Script Extender and it always told me "install newest version" and shuted down.


I agree. If your going to make the game "mod" friendly and you release official added content or a expansion pack the least they could do is patch the game first. I didn't have problems with "Dawnguard" and everything seamlessly went smooth. No crashes or compatibility issues with my mods. But they did release a patch (1.7) right before they released "Dawnguard" to the public (a few days before hand). So we'll just have to wait and see a few days before "Hearthfire" is available to PC owners. Sucks that we have to wait freakin 30 days because of the exclusivity to Microsoft!!!

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