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[LE] Match Conditions with or operator

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Hey So I'm trying to set up a construable object recipe that has two sets of conditions on one recipe, so I don't have to use two recipes for one item depending on settings. I can't make heads or tails out of the wiki entry on the subject so I was hoping to get some help. The conditions are as follows:


Master Switch - controls whether this class of recipe shows up at all, so always needs to be true for this recipe to show up.




Level System- off| controls whether the player is using the leveling system, if master switch is true and this is true the item shows up as craftable




Level System- on




Level 01 = true | so the recipe would display if the leveling system is on AND the player has the prerequisite level



I've tried switching things around on the match conditions in the creation kit but I can't seem to get it straight. Could anyone offer some guidance in this regard?

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A = Master Switch

B = Level System off

C = Level System on

D = Level 01 true


A and B or A and C and D


I think, if I understand the wiki page correctly. However, I personally, would just use two recipes: one for when the system is off and one for when it is on.

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