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Thane's Manor


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This is a new player home that I am planning for the city of Whiterun. I will eventually, if this mod is popular, make one for every major city, including Morthal, Dawnstar, Winterhold, and Falkreath (Though those four will simply be bought and not part of any Thane title)


The Thane's Manor will replace the existing player home, and take up much more room.


Players will not have tlo buy anything from the Steward. All home items will come with the home from the beginning....



Here is what I am planning...

The Major itself, will be three stories above ground, and a basement.


The first floor will have a dining room, kitchen, pantry, living room and trophy room


The Second Floor will have a bath room (which will include a large soaking tub), a bedroom for your Housecarl, and a room for alchemy, enchanting, and storage (There will be a number of chests, cuboards, etc)


The third floor will hold the master bedroom, and a private sitting room, and an armory.


The Basement will house a full blacksmithing system, with a smaller version of the skyforge that makes Skyforge Weapons, a tempering table, a grinder, and a leather tanner. it will also feature a training dummy, and shooting range. The dummy and range will be made to actually give experience, though only half of the amount you get from actual enemies.



The special features of the house are as follows....

The pantry holds every meat, cheese, and vegetable in the game, and repawns every day, so you always have the ingredients to make any food you want. (This includes salt pile)


The Armory has 20 weapon stands, and 10 Armor stands. The armor stands work the same as the mannequin in the Dawnstar Santuary, but you can only put one set of armor on each


The trophy room will work just like the armory, except, you will be able to place trophies from your adventures there. I plan on adding animals heads to the game that can be taken from hunted deer, bears, wolves, etc.....



There will also be an outdoor area of the house. The back of the house will be walled off, and only accessable though a door from the inside of the house. This area will have a garden, a pond (will fish), and a few stone benches.

Edited by Daggdag
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