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[LE] Question about conditions to check magic effects for enchantments

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Based on descriptions in CK site, these conditions/functions work on spells:

1. EPMagic SpellHasKeyword

2. HasMagicEffect

3. HasMagicEffectKeyword


But my question is: do they also work on enchantments (ie. magic effects which are applied via enchantments, not spell)?


If not, then is there any way to check some magic effects which are applied via enchantments?


What i'm trying to do is to scale magnitude of actor values in these magic effects using perks (perk entry points, functions, and conditions). Currently i'm using EPMagic SpellHasKeyword to check the keyword of these magic effects, but in the CK site it's stated that the function is for spells, not enchantments. I'm wondering if it also works for enchantments.

Edited by qwertypol012
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