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Everything posted by qwertypol012

  1. Sure thing. Thanks :) I'll put a reply again if I find a trouble in implementing it. Hopefully I won't need to
  2. Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with setting packages for NPC, so I don't think I can do it using your advice. But still, thanks :) Really? Setting their speed to 0.1 will render them unable to move? I just knew it. Thanks, I guess I'll try this method :)
  3. I'm looking for an advice or guidance on how to make a NPC become motionless (not moving and stays in place) but can still attack or cast spell in place. How I picture it in the game is: the player attacks a NPC (either using weapon or spell), in which the attack causes the NPC unable to move, but they can still attack or cast spell (in place). I want to implement it in a very lightweight manner, so if we can do it without using scripts it would be a lot better. Using script is fine though, as long as it's very lightweight as I want it to be. Thanks for your attention :)
  4. I'm looking for an advice or guidance on how to make a NPC become motionless (not moving and stays in place) but can still attack or cast spell in place. How I picture it in the game is: the player attacks a NPC (either using weapon or spell), in which the attack causes the NPC unable to move, but they can still attack or cast spell (in place). I want to implement it in a very lightweight manner, so if we can do it without using scripts it would be a lot better. Using script is fine though, as long as it's very lightweight as I want it to be. Thanks for your attention :)
  5. Nice, that's great! I can safely use a single formlist as a property and put everything inside it without making them also persistent, effectively optimizing the script by not using too many properties. Thanks :)
  6. As the title says, I'm asking whether forms inside a formlist also become persistent if the formlist is put as a property in a script.
  7. I have a question about GetWornForm function. Does it return the base form of the item or a specific reference (ie. object reference) of it? I want to get the forms of the player's equipped enchanted gears to be used in other functions and i wonder whether i can use this function to achieve it.
  8. My mod has some spells added to the player in the beginning of the function. Some of these spells are Ability-type (Constant Effect cast type) while some of them are Spell-type (Fire and Forget cast type, has duration). In the end of the function, i'd like to stop and remove them from affecting the player. Should i use DispelSpell or RemoveSpell? For the time being, i'm using RemoveSpell to remove the Ability-type spells while using DispelSpell to stop the Spell-type spells. Does this enough to clean the player from these spells?
  9. As the title says, i'm asking whether the amount of records in a ESP affect the game in some way? For example: affect the loading time, affect the game's performance, affect the game's stability, etc I have a mod which ESP contains some unused records. They are meant as some kind of placeholders or backups if just in case i will need it again in the future. So i'm wondering whether it's okay to keep them or instead it's better to remove them for the time being.
  10. As the title says, i'd like to know whether RegisterForSingleUpdate function runs through game load. So let's say, if i call the function with the float parameter 300 seconds, then i save and exit the game, then I'm going to reload the save again, will the function still run and continue the remaining float duration?
  11. First, do HasPerk and HasSpell functions always work unconditionally? I mean, i want to know whether using HasPerk will always work (both to player or NPC) to check whether an actor has a specific perk or not; the same question also applies to HasSpell. Or instead, is there some exceptions (which make them not working)? Why i asked this? Because I've been using these in my mod and I'm not sure whether they're actually working or not (especially for HasSpell). Sometimes i felt that they're not actually checking the perk or the spell i wanted them to check (especially the HasSpell). Secondly, is it fine to use RemovePerk and RemoveSpell to the player even if the player doesn't have the perk or spell to be removed? Will it cause an issue?
  12. Thanks. I tried some methods too, but this one is a bit different. I'll try it out :) And, how about the "player facing a strong enemy" (ie. has higher level)? Do you know the most lightweight method for it?
  13. Alright, I'll try to explain what I'm trying to achieve. It'll be a bit long though. I'm in the process of adding a feature to my mod. To put it short, my mod is an armor mod which has some features when being worn; and one of the features is: "When being worn AND the player is in combat, check if the player is facing a strong enemy (by simply comparing his/her level with player's level, which one is higher) OR if the player is in a critical condition (ie. Health below a certain threshold, for example). If one of these conditions is fulfilled, then run X function" X function is: Transforming the armor into a more enhanced version of the armor. That's it. Do you have any suggestions on how to do it properly without using too many resource intensive papyrus functions? I want my scripts to only use papyrus functions as lightweight as possible.
  14. So, that's why it didn't work in my case. I still don't understand properly about making the armor "targeting something else". Not really sure about its implementation. But thanks for the insight. I think i understand OnHit more now. In writing scripts, i mainly followed instructions and infos from the CK site's papyrus functions, and unfortunately they don't have much info (just like what you've explained above)
  15. Thanks for the explanation. So it seems like that's the case with my armor script (as ObjectReference). Probably because it's started with OnContainerChanged event, which possibly makes the OnHit didn't work. As for the Ref Alias, i once tried it in a Player Alias script, and the OnHit didn't seem to be triggered. I put some debug.Notification inside the event, but none of them showed in the game whenever i got hit. And of course the alias has been filled with the player reference (i can assure it).
  16. As the title says. I want to know whether OnHit event work inside a Ref Alias script. I have a Ref Alias script to monitor an NPC's conditions, and one of the events i need is OnHit. I also have additional questions btw: Does OnHit event work in an Armor script? I already tried to make it, by extending the script to ObjectReference (attached to the armor), but it didn't seem to work. That's why i changed it to Ref Alias script and also an Active Magic Effect script which seemingky capable to run OnHit event. Any explanation is appreciated. :)
  17. Ultra good Follow this guide: https://www.sinitargaming.com/skyrim_graphics.html
  18. Install these mods: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98494 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/84924 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72180 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65816 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40491 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56147 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/103307 then set the MCM menus to your liking, then play the game again
  19. Add the perk into the magic effect. In other words, the magic effect of the enchantment will give the perk to the player. You also need to make the perk inceases spell power for specific damage types (using perk conditions).
  20. The player variable has actually been filled in other recent event or function. I didn't write full functions for the player alias script, but there is an initialization function which fills the player variable by Game.GetPlayer(), which is run on game start from the owning quest script of the player alias script. As for the armor script, the player variable should be filled in OnContainerChanged event ie. when the armor is entering player's inventory. I tried to avoid using property as long as possible to lessen the script load.
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