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Armored leather dress (with enclosed concept art!)


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For those of you who want to look equally at home whether you're hobnobbing with the Skyrim social elite or stabbing them to death out near the stables. For the more assassiny types I'd say but that could possibly change with a different color scheme, inspired somewhat by the look of the dragon priest armor.


If anybody likes the design I'd be thrilled to see it in game, just give me a concept design credit if you could. I have no idea how feasible this is, I gave up on 3d design myself long ago. I imagine the idea is it's some rigid armor pieces at the chest, arms, and thighs, with a more flexible leather dress underneath and a red fabric interior. Velvet or silk or something. The original concept was dragonscale but honestly there's no reason it couldn't just be leather, or leather and ebony and silver, or whatever.



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While boots are more logical for the terrain - it was originally b/c I don't think anyone's made "proper" heels that boost the PC. It's usually just an awkward shape that shortens the shin. I really hope someone picks this up. That looks excellent and we really need more armor for the ladies that doesn't look like it belongs on a stripper!


If you don't get much of a response (which can happen with post flooding here) I'd suggest approaching some modders that have submitted unique armors ( like hothtrooper44 or Shadowtroop ).


Really gorgeous work.

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