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Beyond the Sea


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Bravo! Excellent work! Well worth the wait. I'll get mine up there too before I doze off.
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Name: Thomas Raleigh Whippet


Age: 32


Gender: Male


Race: Caucasian


Personality: Cold as ice, and sharp as a razor's edge. Tom is a born businessman who never thought much of his employees.


Weapon: A Thompson SMG that was standard in his line of work, and an Incinerate plasmid that he just recently found in Rapture.


Appearance: A slightly regal man in an old suit. He has a large scar on the left side of his face that goes from the corner of his lips to his earlobe. He has a small beard that gives him a professional appearance, and his height is slightly below average.


Clothing: An old suit that he'd inherited from his father. A black jacket, with a red tie.


History/background: Thomas fought in the war, and when he returned home, he knew that he'd never adjust to a normal life again. He felt disillusioned from his friends, family, war buddies, everything he had seemed Inconsequential in comparison to fighting for his country, or just fighting for any old reason.


He fell into a life of crime fairly quickly, and it wasn't long before the organized crime families in the area took notice of his talents. He was hired as a thug to the Don of a powerful crime family in New York, and committed many homicides, assaults, and other crimes in the don's service.

However, he was told to kill an old friend, and ran out on the job.


In the whispers of the elite he spent so much time around, he'd heard of a place; Rapture. A paradise under the sea. The don would never be able to find him there. He set out for Rapture, and found himself out of the frying pan, instead in the fire.

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School started for me today, so I can't post until 3pm EST
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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Sigma (Formerly Kent Carver)


Age: Unknown


Gender: Male


Race: Big Daddy


Little Sister: Kyla (His Actual Sister) Green eyes and red hair, she loves to draw and sing.


Personality: Tough, and protective. His transformation into a big daddy fragmented his memories. He can remember most of his life but when he thinks of his family he cannot seem to recall having any other then his parents but he remembers talking too a sibling that was much younger then him.


Weapon: Hes armed with his signature drill hand and he carries a double barreled shotgun and a spear-gun.


Appearance: His diving suit is different then the usual big daddy suit. A large E like symbol painted on his diving suit. He is somewhat smaller and his suit is actually different then the Generic Big Daddy, its actually a darker color and his helmet isnt so many portholes instead its actually only got five portholes (Three in the front, two in the back)


Clothing: His suit is of the Alpha series design, built to be strong and durable and giving him respectable mobility. Sigma was Number 6 in the Alpha Series, Being a alpha series his drill isnt built into the hand so it allows him to have a free hand but he must disengage the drill and drop it to do so.


History/background: Kent Carver and Kyla Carver came to rapture to flee their past. Kent had taken his sister there when he got a job offer to be a policemen in Rapture. Their parents had died in a car accident and Kent had been expelled from the NYPD for his over-protective nature. Kyla his very young half sister was his only family and when the brother of one of the men he killed during a botched bank robbery he responded too tried to assassinate his sister, he shot the man. The shooting got press and reporters involved and he was put on suspension. He then received a letter to be a policemen for a special city being founded. He came to rapture and asked that Kyla be brought after he arrived. He was thrown into the Protector Program because of his strong protective instincts. Kyla was turned into a Little Sister and assigned to him. He took to the transformation but his memories were altered, most big daddies loose their memories but he was allowed to keep most of his. He was tasked with keeping her safe and keeping Arcadia and a few other districts in repair. During one of his ADAM tours with Kyla he was attacked by a large group of splicers. They took his Little Sister and hit him with a powerful electro-bolt that knocked him into a coma-like state. Now he sits in Arcadia, his body still and waiting for someone to come along and awaken him...

Edited by Macman253
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