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  1. 1. Who would you vote for in 2012 US Elections

    • Barack Obama/Democrats
    • Mitt Romney/Republicans
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One thing i find funny is how badly the romney Ryan ticket has insulted women from equal pay to blaming gun control to single mothers.


Every time the romney campaign comes out with a new political ad to try to mislead the people how Romeny feels about certain issues the Obama campaign just comes out with another ad that totally contridicts the new ad they just released using video clips of Romeny saying exactly how he feels about an issue making the original ads the romney campaign spent millions of dollars on worthless. lol


Romney has politcally damaged himself more than any other republican canidate in history. I am just suprised the republican party just didn't decided to drop him early instead of keeping such a shady and sketchy figure to represent their entire party. This doesnt just effect how people view Romney but its how America will view the Republican party for years to come.


They made a huge mistake staying with Romney and they have no one to blame but their own party for being so unpopular amongst the people of america.


Edit: the reason why Women of america hate romney so much right now is because of the question asked about Equal pay for women at the 2nd debate he completely dodged answering his possition and explaining how he had "whole binders full of women" that he claimed he went out of his way to get. The fact was the binder he was talking about was given to him before he was put in office. He never went out of his way to get these "women" to work in his cabnet. Despite this is actually nice he hired a lot of women in his cabnet didn't actually address his standing or even answer if he believed women had the right for equal pay in the work place.


The 2nd debate has damaged how women in america feel about Romney. Even a few Republican friends of mine who are female told me they decided to vote for Obama this year because they didn't want Romney to be in office.

Edited by colourwheel
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One thing i find funny is how badly the romney Ryan ticket has insulted women from equal pay to blaming gun control to single mothers.


Every time the romney campaign comes out with a new political ad to try to mislead the people how Romeny feels about certain issues the Obama campaign just comes out with another ad that totally contridicts the new ad they just released using video clips of Romeny saying exactly how he feels about an issue making the original ads the romney campaign spent millions of dollars on worthless. lol


Romney has politcally damaged himself more than any other republican canidate in history. I am just suprised the republican party just didn't decided to drop him early instead of keeping such a shady and sketchy figure to represent their entire party. This doesnt just effect how people view Romney but its how America will view the Republican party for years to come.


They made a huge mistake staying with Romney and they have no one to blame but their own party for being so unpopular amongst the people of america.


Edit: the reason why Women of america hate romney so much right now is because of the question asked about Equal pay for women at the 2nd debate he completely dodged answering his possition and explaining how he had "whole binders full of women" that he claimed he went out of his way to get. The fact was the binder he was talking about was given to him before he was put in office. He never went out of his way to get these "women" to work in his cabnet. Despite this is actually nice he hired a lot of women in his cabnet didn't actually address his standing or even answer if he believed women had the right for equal pay in the work place.


The 2nd debate has damaged how women in america feel about Romney. Even a few Republican friends of mine who are female told me they decided to vote for Obama this year because they didn't want Romney to be in office.

Did you even watch the second debate? Or rather, did you even listen to his answer? He simply gave a perfectly acceptable answer, and the media took that one little phrase of a sentence and blew it way out of context. I'm a woman, and I'm going to vote for Romney.


Romney has damaged his reputation? Have you seen Obama? How about when it came to answering the question about gas prices. What did he say? Something along the lines of "Oil has been in higher production now than in decades," or something to that effect. Why is my gas over $4 a gallon? Why did he deny the keystone pipeline? Why did he stop drilling at the gulf?


The point is, you can go ahead and say all you want about oil, but the fact is, I'm paying double than what I was before this man got elected. Meanwhile, he's saying it's because the economy was on a collapse before, and thats why it was so cheap. Are you serious? How is the economy any better? I still pay so much more for my groceries now, food has gone way up, milk, dairy etc. and he believes that the economy is doing better....which is why gas prices are higher....huh, okay.


Next lets talk about video clips, disproving what the other politician says. Obama is on camera saying how "Under my plan...electricity rates will necessarily skyrocket." He's also been there saying on video that he'll bankrupt the coal industries. I'm sorry, but some of us can barely afford the rates as it is, now you want to go ahead and just stop using our remaining rescources altogether? Great, lets spend even more more money because as far as he's concerned, they must go up. Look, I understand fully that we need more clean energy, and I'm all for solar and wind and whatnot, but not using our current available resources in the meantime is just plain stupid, it's crushing the middle class people.


You want to talk economy, how many jobs has this president lost? How bad is the unemployment rate? I thought he'd cut the deficit in half, but somehow we've gone to sixteen trillion dollars in debt, and our national credit rating has just gotten downgraded twice. Meanwhile, we're just printing more and more money, and the value of our dollar is going down. I mean, our dollar is about the same value as Canada's, thats crazy. And don't even get me started on his wonderful healthcare plan or his foreign policy.


So you've got a president that made things so much worse, and he's still spewing the same crap he was back in '08, and we've had the last four years to see how well his plan has worked. Bottomline is, in these last four years, everything has gone up in price, whether it's food from the grocery store, my electric bill, or gas at the pump. Unemployment has stayed the same, and he's promising the same exact thing he was last election, so why would you vote for someone that has made things worse than they already were? He can say his plan all he wants, he can go on about how good things are, but the numbers just don't add up.


As far as Romney goes; he seems to have a much better take on what to do as far as oil goes, he's been a successful business man and really seems to know how to get the economy running again. He may turn out to be another bad president, and that'll be my mistake for voting for him, but I'm certainly not putting up with Obama for another four years, not when he's already messed up so many things.


p.s. I know I'm going to get flamed for this and so be it, but let this post be referenced for the near future: I predict that not only will Romney win the election, but he's going to win it by a huge margin. I don't think it'll be close at all.


If i'm wrong, this post will be a permanent reminder of how much of an idiot I am, but if it's right, well lets just say I'm keeping the page number for future reference.

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Did you even watch the second debate? Or rather, did you even listen to his answer? He simply gave a perfectly acceptable answer, and the media took that one little phrase of a sentence and blew it way out of context. I'm a woman, and I'm going to vote for Romney.


The question that he was asked was dealing with pay equity for women. Romney didn't even answer her question.


Sure Romney might have hired a lot of women in his cabnet but how does that even answer the question of pay equality for women? I honestly don't think Romney supports equal pay for women or he would have endorced the lilly ledbetter fair pay act. By totally dodging the question saying he had "whole binders full of women" shows how he views women to me. We are just nothing but objects in a binder to him.


Honestly being a woman being hired by a company wouldnt you be upset if you got hired doing the same thing another person got hired for doing but being paid less because you are a woman? the lilly ledbetter fair pay act would allow you to sue the company. without that all you could do is just quit.


Also i believe the republican party wants to get rid of the lilly ledbetter fair pay act... It's on their agenda with getting rid of planned parenthood and the support of the blunt act.


Core republican beliefs and policies have always been so sexest throughout history it is just surprising to me how there are still so many female republicans.


Romney has damaged his reputation? Have you seen Obama? How about when it came to answering the question about gas prices. What did he say? Something along the lines of "Oil has been in higher production now than in decades," or something to that effect. Why is my gas over $4 a gallon? Why did he deny the keystone pipeline? Why did he stop drilling at the gulf?


The point is, you can go ahead and say all you want about oil, but the fact is, I'm paying double than what I was before this man got elected. Meanwhile, he's saying it's because the economy was on a collapse before, and thats why it was so cheap. Are you serious? How is the economy any better? I still pay so much more for my groceries now, food has gone way up, milk, dairy etc. and he believes that the economy is doing better....which is why gas prices are higher....huh, okay.


No president in history can control the price of oil and a lot of things that are shipped around the country are based on the current oil prices. All they can do is regulate and make restrictions. If you been outside of the country at all recently you would be glad to see we are only paying at most $5 a gallon when other countries are charging almost equivalent of 10USD a gallon.


As for the rest of what you said it's just your opinion and i don't think anyone is going to flame you for it.

Edited by colourwheel
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Did you even watch the second debate? Or rather, did you even listen to his answer? He simply gave a perfectly acceptable answer, and the media took that one little phrase of a sentence and blew it way out of context. I'm a woman, and I'm going to vote for Romney.


The question that he was asked was dealing with pay equity for women. Romney didn't even answer her question.


Sure Romney might have hired a lot of women in his cabnet but how does that even answer the question of pay equality for women? I honestly don't think Romney supports equal pay for women or he would have endorced the lilly ledbetter fair pay act. By totally dodging the question saying he had "whole binders full of women" shows how he views women to me. We are just nothing but objects in a binder to him.


Honestly being a woman being hired by a company wouldnt you be upset if you got hired doing the same thing another person got hired for doing but being paid less because you are a woman? the lilly ledbetter fair pay act would allow you to sue the company. without that all you could do is just quit.


Also i believe the republican party wants to get rid of the lilly ledbetter fair pay act... It's on their agenda with getting rid of planned parenthood and the support of the blunt act.


Core republican beliefs and policies have always been so sexest throughout history it is just supprising to me how there are still so many female republicans.


Romney has damaged his reputation? Have you seen Obama? How about when it came to answering the question about gas prices. What did he say? Something along the lines of "Oil has been in higher production now than in decades," or something to that effect. Why is my gas over $4 a gallon? Why did he deny the keystone pipeline? Why did he stop drilling at the gulf?


The point is, you can go ahead and say all you want about oil, but the fact is, I'm paying double than what I was before this man got elected. Meanwhile, he's saying it's because the economy was on a collapse before, and thats why it was so cheap. Are you serious? How is the economy any better? I still pay so much more for my groceries now, food has gone way up, milk, dairy etc. and he believes that the economy is doing better....which is why gas prices are higher....huh, okay.


No president in history can control the price of oil and a lot of things that are shipped around the country are based on the current oil prices. All they can do is regulate and make restrictions. If you been outside of the country at all recently you would be glad to see we are only paying at most $5 a gallon when other countries are charging almost equivalent of 10USD a gallon.


As for the rest of what you said it's just your opinion and i don't think anyone is going to flame you for it.

I need to rephrase my last statement, about Romney's answer. When I said he gave a perfectly acceptable answer, I simply meant that the answer he gave wasn't derrogatory towards women, in the sense that the "binders full of women" comment was completely blown out of context. Romney was just explaining what he did while he was governor of Massachusetts, and unfortunately didn't exactly use the best terminology to describe how he went about hiring women. On the other hand, I suppose "ended up with a huge booklet full of very qualified, very able-bodied women" would have been more appropriate. Personally, I think it was just a minor thing that was blown way out of proportion.


However, you're right, I would not work at a place where I end up doing the same job as other men and end up getting paid less, it just wouldn't happen with me. But the Lilly Ledbetter act was put forth to prevent that, and unless you can give me a quote or a video clip or something, that shows that Romney is or was in direct opposition to that, then I've no reason to believe he's ever opposed that act.


I'd also like to add though, that Romney was not my first choice for president, and I'm not voting for him because of his like or dislike of women, I'm voting for him because he really seems to have a much better take on the economy and what needs to be done to fix it and turn it around, rather than Obama, who as I said in my previous post; is still saying the same things he was four years ago, and look where that's gotten us.


Finally, as far as gas prices go, you're absolutely right; you can't directly control the prices of gas or electricity and whatnot. But you can make it better just by allowing us to use our own resources that we have. Under Obama, an entire fifth of all this nation's coal plants have been shutdown, and he's aiming for more, well that makes our electricity rates "skyrocket" (as he is quoted on video as saying.) Also, drilling is important, if we could drill for our own oil, could you imagine how much cheaper gas would be, not having to buy it from overseas? We were supposed to do that with the keystone pipeline, that would run from alaska through canada and to the U.S.A. but this president vetoed that idea. We can't drill offshore in the gulf for oil, because the president cut the amount of oil permits in half, so now we have only half the oil we could be getting coming out of the gulf. So yes, you can't influence the price of oil directly, but you can certainly have it lowered by quite a bit, just by doing a few simple things. Using our resources is key, and shutting down our coal plants and cutting oil permits in half is NOT the way to go about lowering prices.

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Wait, where is that from?? Is there more to it? Or is that it?


NinjaGoddessAyra the internet is a great place to investigate yourself. If you do the research yourself you will find Romney voted agaist the lilly ledbetter fair pay act.

Yes, just did my own research, and I can't find him actually voting against it. I found the same site you did. I also found other sites saying the same thing. Well alright then, it's a shame there isn't a "None of the above" option in the polls.

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Finally, as far as gas prices go, you're absolutely right; you can't directly control the prices of gas or electricity and whatnot. But you can make it better just by allowing us to use our own resources that we have. Under Obama, an entire fifth of all this nation's coal plants have been shutdown, and he's aiming for more, well that makes our electricity rates "skyrocket" (as he is quoted on video as saying.) Also, drilling is important, if we could drill for our own oil, could you imagine how much cheaper gas would be, not having to buy it from overseas? We were supposed to do that with the keystone pipeline, that would run from alaska through canada and to the U.S.A. but this president vetoed that idea. We can't drill offshore in the gulf for oil, because the president cut the amount of oil permits in half, so now we have only half the oil we could be getting coming out of the gulf. So yes, you can't influence the price of oil directly, but you can certainly have it lowered by quite a bit, just by doing a few simple things. Using our resources is key, and shutting down our coal plants and cutting oil permits in half is NOT the way to go about lowering prices.


I forgot to mention this NinjaGoddessAyra. Obama made restriction on our land for drilling because oil companies were leasing "public" land to drill but not using it. Obama made the point if oil companies are waiting when it is most convenient for them to drill he wasnt going to let oil companies sit on "public" land for decades till they finally wished to actually drill, when it would be most proffitable for them to do so. He basically made it clear in the debates either they use the "public" land or loose it. Ideally gas prices would be cheaper if they actually were drilling on our lands but if they are just holding onto the lands till it most proffiable to them then there is no reason to even let them have the "public" land to drill on in the 1st place. The keystone pipeline is a "pipe dream" when the reality is the oil companies are not even drilling on the "public" land they had leased for years to begin with.


Also regulations have been put in place to help the environment. Have you ever noticed in the summer time every year your utility bill seems way higher than the year before? its because its getting hotter every year in the summer. if our government doesnt regulate these things just imagine one summer day when the electicity goes out for a week because the power plants can't handle the amount people are using to keep thier homes cool. I know last summer my power went out over 6 times and once for almost 12 hours durring the day time. we need to help keep our environment clean or our ulitity bills will just keep jumping up in price even more every summer.

Edited by colourwheel
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