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Straw Poll of voting intentions  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. Who would you vote for in 2012 US Elections

    • Barack Obama/Democrats
    • Mitt Romney/Republicans
    • Any Other/Third Party such as Libertarian/Green etc
    • All political parties are a waste of my vote

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First, I am currently moving all the crap out of my house into the moving truck and I am just taking a short break right now. So as much as I'd loved to have read Tidus44's post, I was unable due to time constraints. So right now I'm just going to reply to HeyYou's post right before the TLCR.


HeyYou, I agree with you for the most part, but disagree that Obama's image as a bad and inept president is mostly or all of the Republican's obstructionist actions.


Obama has many sins to answer, though never will. It also wasn't just Republicans that turned everything into partisan politics. Back when my county went up in flames, 50 miles burned in a matter of days, Obama was slow to respond to requests of aid, going as far as to straight up ignore Governor Perry's requests. And when he did do something, it was all politics. 2500 people lost there homes in about a week's time, the fire was a full blown firestorm when it started, with people reporting that the flames were spreading about as fast as they could drive. Put another way, people were literally racing the fire to get away, in their cars.


So what did Obama do? Again, ignored our pleas for help and turned it all into a political showboat.


Other sins are last year's NDAA, bail outs for big business, craptastic Obamacare, illegal executions of US citizens, Operation Fast & Furious, illegal military attack on a sovereign nation and the list goes on. These are all things Obama is directly responsible for. And yes, I realize that Bush is guilty of many of these crimes as well and that Romney would commit the same crimes. But the point here is that Obama doesn't really need the Republican's help to be a bad president, he just is.

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Lagging behind in the polls?


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Seems pretty even to me.

Pretty much a dead heat then.

You'll have to forgive my ignorance on the US electoral system, but in my own country if neither party won an outright majority of seats, there would be a possibility of a coalition government, in this case Republicans or Democrats with Libertarians, which actually sounds like a half way decent Presidency. I suppose the US system, doesn't have provison for a coalition government, at my understanding is whatever the percentage of votes, a party will win outright.

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Lagging behind in the polls?


My link


Seems pretty even to me.

Pretty much a dead heat then.

You'll have to forgive my ignorance on the US electoral system, but in my own country if neither party won an outright majority of seats, there would be a possibility of a coalition government, in this case Republicans or Democrats with Libertarians, which actually sounds like a half way decent Presidency. I suppose the US system, doesn't have provison for a coalition government, at my understanding is whatever the percentage of votes, a party will win outright.


Yeah, for President whomever wins the most electors gets the gig. The same goes for Congress except it's the percent vote like you said. The States are different though, some States have a runoff if no one gets 50% with only the top two eligible for voting. It's very hard for a third party to get into office although it has been done in Congress and President Lincoln won as a third party creating the Republican party.

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Bill Maher can sum up the way a lot of the average american republican view the world and how a lot of non-republicans view thier party now.





After watching 2 days of the Democratic National convention with bill clinton's speach last night, Obama doesn't even need to really make a speech. Sadly Obama only need to show up at the podium and just stand there. I felt Clinton basically destroyed The entire republican party with that one speech last night. you can watch it on youtube as well just by searching "bill clinton's 2012 Democratic National convention speech".


It will be interesting to see how Obama's speech will be tonight because Clinton's speech was amazing.

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After both the DNC and the RNC is over i did some research to see if i could find some truth behind the lies pointed out. The height of hypocrisy and lies comes more from the Romney campaign. Yes every politician will bend the truth or make promisses that no one can confirm. But The Republicans seem to think people are stupid and can't find the truth out themselves....


Here is something very shocking found later about some of the things Ryan just lies about with at the RNC that makes me sick people just don't jump up and call people out for lying to the nation like this...




edit: I found this video interesting... this is an interview with Lanhee chen the policy dirrector for mitt romney.




Ironically it was a recording from foxnew which is an extremely republican bias network. It was supprising someone from fox kept asking one question over and over again about Romney's plan and even his policy dirrector wouldn't comment on what exactly he would cut or do. So i find it weird that people are just suppose to expect to vote for Romney when he doesnt explain what romneys cuts are for the rich that will fix our economy (tax cuts and loopholes) lol


Romney refuses to clarify his plan: Romney had said that his tax plan “can’t be scored.” Now we know what Romney really meant: that he didn’t want it to be scored. Walking through the details means showing that he is paying for deep tax cuts for the wealthy with tax increases on the middle class. As Josh Barro put it, “If Romney thinks TPC missed something, and he has a way to make his plan work without a middle class tax increase, he should release the details that show what that is. So long as he refuses to tell us exactly what his tax plan is, Romney has no one to blame for distortions of the plan but himself.”




Honestly this is the 1st year ever i been very actively aware about our government because if mitt romney is elected he will get rid of obama care and raise my taxes around $2,000 more for me. I dont want Obama care to be taken away from me.

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Not much I can do about the upcoming US elections - not my country - but given the US is teetering on the brink, I've been keeping an eye on it in case I need to get to my survival site real quick.


Have to agree with colorwheel - Clinton ruled. An amazing speech and from what I have been able to track down, while he may have presented information in a "positive" manner, he was pretty accurate in what he said.

One big thing is he certainly didn't come off as semi-hysterical and desperate, which seemed to be the vibe from the RNC, who were more fixated on how everything and anything the current president did was a failure or bad for the country but really didn't have a lot to say on how they would "fix" things faster or better.


Best quote from either convention was definitely from the RNC and the comment, "We're not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact checkers." Oh. Really. Good plan.


Anyway, it seemed the DNC came off as people with a plan and commitment with organization and motivation while the RNC just felt like desperate people who would do and say anything to get elected.


Just an outsider's view.

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Clinton's speech was amazing.

Yeah, hes a professional liar.




How can anyone take this man serios? Mena Airport, Cocain Trade, i don't had sex with that woman, supplied the North Koreans with nuce plants equitment, helped the chinese to get gem weapons, rapist. This guy doesn't give a F about america. Clinton was bad, but obama another 4 years will be worse you can imagine. Its destroying america by design.



Chinese pianist performs anti-American anthem at White House dinner in front of Obama


Bye Bye America. Freedom was a nice try.

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Clinton's speech was amazing.

Yeah, hes a professional liar.




How can anyone take this man serios? Mena Airport, Cocain Trade, i don't had sex with that woman, supplied the North Koreans with nuce plants equitment, helped the chinese to get gem weapons, rapist. This guy doesn't give a F about america. Clinton was bad, but obama another 4 years will be worse you can imagine. Its destroying america by design.



Chinese pianist performs anti-American anthem at White House dinner in front of Obama


Bye Bye America. Freedom was a nice try.


Clinton is not running for pressident!!!


Clinton has already ran for president and everyone already knows the things you are calling him out on and he has been held accountable for them already.


The Republican Party could have easily invited Bush to speak and help support Romney. But the Republican party has been so filled with hate recently anyone who was ever a republican in office that makes them look bad in any way they just pretend don't exist.


And say after the election is over and romney looses the republican party will probably pretend Romney and Ryan don't exist either. After all every looser the republican party has ever had run for office they endup spinning them as being bad politician who repressented them.


edit: btw Clinton is and never was a "rapist" I don't know where you are getting this info from but it just comes out as hate when calling someone something they clearly have never even been accused of.

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