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Starting Spells


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This has bothered me for some time. And no body seems to want to change it. Of course they'll quickly modify starting place, the character creation selections, starting stats. But they never even bother with which spells you start with based on these changes.


Don't you think it's kind of stupid to have a powerful illusionist/conjurer, be stuck with basic healing and destruction spells forcing you to actively search out a spell you actually specialize in. And worst of all it's kind of annoying to see it just sit there taking up space and not actually being useful. :wallbash:


Wouldn't it be cool to actually have a more dynamic starting spell selection based on your starting stats. With minimal conflict with other race based mods. Wouldn't it? I mean it would be nice to have a spell actually useful from the get go. I mean the vanilla opening gave you the whole set of weapons and armor types (Light and heavy). But they screwed up with the magic part, only one mage with one book, and its another destruction tome. :armscrossed:


Its horribly immersion breaking to have a character with one specialization. But unable to use them because the game never gives you the means to immediately use them.


Could Someone please try and make a mod that does this. And if not please explain why, I would do it myself but am nowhere near good at CK.

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