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Leveled list issue

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I'll have to take a look at that mod you mentioned. I have now encountered all but two of my creature additions. These last are confusing me as to why the don't show up. They both use the same lists as the flame atronach. They also have different level set ups, so I figured I would have encountered one or the other by now, if not both. Have you been to oblivion? Those things are everywhere! (rhetorical) In any event as soon as I get them to show, this mod will be released. It's gonna be good ;p
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Ok, so the leveled lists work. However, some creatures stop appearing after I get to about level 10 or 11. How do I set up a creature in a leveled list to have them appear at all levels? I use pc offsets too. Could that make a difference?
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Look at Leveling Quick Fix that I linked earlier and you'll see how that mod does exactly that (not at my gaming computer much through the summer, but it was simple to find the game setting it changed in TES4Edit and just as simple to do the same in my own ESP).
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Apparently, it is 2 game settings set to 100. Level difference max for creatures and items. Fairly brilliant actually. I just changed the settings within my mod and have had mixed results. While this did technically fix the issue, it has massive side effects on vanilla style play. I personally despise leveling the world as bethesda has done. So for me this is awesome. However for others, maybe not so much.
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Ya I incorporated the changes into my own MyTweaks.esp and would never go back to vanilla.


I believe Maskars Oblivion Overhaul adds similar plus more (will finally get around to MOO in my next character ... someday).

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That's funny, I have one I called "MyPatches.esp" for such things too. I may make a third esp for my mod that offers these changes. However, I feel I still need to resolve this internally. I must just have some settings wrong in the creature level set up.
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I can't recall exactly what different settings I changed, but Levelling Quick Fix was the catalyst that got me looking for how the same tweak could be applied elsewhere. MyTweaks.esp is for the most part a collection of things borrowed from reverse engineering many different mod's small game changes that just make good sense to me (and sometimes leaving out the parts that don't).


One ESP slot close to the end of my load order in place of many kind of thing.

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