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Getting rid of summoned dragon priest remains


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I want to make a Dragon Priest thrall spell. I've got everything down, except for some reason I can't stop it from creating a little pile of ash whenever it dies. I'm fine with the burnout/disintegration effect that occurs when it dies, but I'd really like to go without the ash pile. A small thing, I know, but I'm a little OCD.


I notice that the regular thrall and summon spells (atronachs, dremoras) never leave remains, but I've checked through the actor info in the CK and I can't find anything to turn this on or off. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by zombiecurse
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The ghost version of the Dragon Priest (the invincible one summoned by the Konahrik mask) doesn't leave the ash pile.


The actor it summons is called SummonEncDragonPriest, and it's based on the regular EncDragonPriest. SummonEncDragonPriest has a script attached to it called defaultGhostScript that makes him invincible, spectral, and keeps him from leaving an ash pile when he dies. I've looked over the values and I cannot figure out which one keeps him from leaving the ash pile. Normally I would go through and just duplicate each one of the scripts properties in a new script under my actor, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to duplicate them as I can't really open them up and view the contents of the script's individual properties. I also can't seem to delete properties from the script, as otherwise I'd just duplicate the actor and start knocking off properties until I figured out which one it is.

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  • 4 years later...

Sorry for the necro, but I'll write the answer in case someone is looking for it, since I've just been messing around with this for a unique NPC. You need to edit the "DragonPriestActorScript", you can find it in the "AbDragonPriestScriptAttach" object. Right click the script and "Edit Source". Copy everything, close the window, then Add>New script, paste, then Scroll down to "EVENT OnDying(Actor akKiller)" and delete the ash pile related lines. To prevent any issues, save with a different name, set every variable as the original, and remove the original "DragonPriestActorScript" from "AbDragonPriestScriptAttach", so that if something goes wrong the default is still intact.

Edited by WTFF
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