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Killcams activating, targets not dying


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So, here's my mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23130


Basically it adds three spells: a shadow bolt, a life steal, and a summon bound dremora spell.


I have a weird bug with the lifesteal spell, although I'm increasingly thinking it might just be a limitation of the game.


- The life steal spell seems to initiate the ranged kill cam before the target actually dies. Everything will go into slow motion, but the target will actually survive the kill cam. I have a feeling this is a problem with the way the game estimates how long a hostile npc has to live versus how fast the spell actually drains their life, but I'm not sure.


Anybody have any ideas on how to fix this?

Edited by zombiecurse
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This happens to me with vanilla spells all the time. The killcams often jump the gun, and start spinning my camera around while I'm still trying to light the damn bear on fire.


Not sure if that's helpful, but I can guarantee that this problem is not unique to your mod.

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Definitely not unique to your mod, zombiecurse. Like Janus, I get this with spells. I've also gotten it with arrows. Most of the time what happens is that the game seems to think the shot will kill if it hits, but what actually happens is that it misses and the target survives. This usually happens with arrows because the arrow encounters a bounding box bigger than the object looks. I guess the game gets confused about this just like I do.


I know it's annoying, but there's probably nothing that can be done about it, since I fear it's a limitation of the game engine, itself.

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I can confirm this as well. It seems a recent enough thing for me - so perhaps it does have something to do with higher level characters. I'll fire off a thunderbolt and assume I've got them - only to have that damn Falmer warmonger get back up and slice me open.
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I can confirm that this happens virtually from day one. In my current play-through I had this happen somewhere around level 5 or so using a flames spell.


I agree about ditching kill cams. They were sort of cool at first, but I'm getting more and more frustrated with them, especially when it triggers before I kill my last opponent. It's not supposed to do that, but does quite frequently. While I'm trying to re-orient the surviving enemy (sometimes enemies) have no problem instantly targeting me. This is especially bad with arrow shots, because the point of view is so drastically different from what it was before you fired the arrow. I say this is an experiment that has gone awry and needs to be eliminated from the game. It's nothing but eye-candy, anyway. I'd rather survive a battle rather than get a beautiful slow-mo of my second to last enemy dying horribly and then me getting one-shotted by the one who was left because I couldn't recover control of my game quickly enough.

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