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Path Grids


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Like the title says how on earth do you set up Path Grids? At lest thats what I think I need because I'm making a large dungeon and the mobs in it try to run through walls and other retarded things. So dose anyone know how to set up path grids? Edited by blackninja50
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That should help. Doing a pathgrid is actually pretty easy once you get the initial hang of it; literally a "connect the dots" situation. Even easier with pre-made cells as most have a pathgrid in place (so its usually just a matter of adding, deleting points/lines or shifting them as needed.)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Make sure not to set your path nodes too far above or below ground level, I've had NPC's glitch out in those circumstances. Also be sure that the lines between nodes are not too close to solid objects. Sometimes the collision property on objects will block a path grid even if the path line does not actually touch the object. It usually takes a little play testing to figure out what the safe distance is on a given object.
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