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idea for 2 mods


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i don't really like the enchanting in oblivion because:

1. why the **** can't i enchant arrows???

2. why are the random enchanted weapons often more powerful than those that i made with the 'Grand' soulgems. :wallbash:


maybe someone could create a altar that could enchant arrow like normal enchanting.

but where the enchant limit would equal the soulcharge divided by the amount of arrows you're enchanting.


and maybe add 2 more soulgems to the game.

first one having a charge of 5.000 and a limit of 500 (so you get a minimum of 10 uses).

and the second one being the double of the first one.

having them both fully charged in some shops when you reach a high enough level.


if one or both of these things could be made it would definitely improve oblivion a bit.

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