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SKSE Causes Single Digit FPS...


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I discovered the SkyUI Mod and how awesome it appears.


I use a physical copy of Skyrim, not steam version.


I am using version 1.7 of Skyrim (the latest patch).


I downloaded SKSE.


I downloaded SkyUI.


I installed both. When I launch skse_loader, the game loads fine, but the FPS are in single digits, like a slideshow, unplayable. And the SkyUI mod works.


I decided to launch Skyrim regularly (TESV.exe), and the game loads fine, FPS is fine, AND the SkyUI is also working!


However there's a giant WARNING box every time I open my inventory.


Is there a way to remove that, or does anyone know why SKSE is causing my game to become unplayable?



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