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Dark Brotherhood: Shrouded Armor -CBBE


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First of all, I'm sure others have already requested this before but I was surprised by the fact that I was unable to find any mods that actually hit this request on the head so to speak.


The mod I am requesting is a modification to the default vanilla Shrouded Armor acquired via the Dark Brotherhood quest line in the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The modification entails tailoring the armor to fit the CBBE (Calientes Female Body Mod Big Bottom Edition) body tightly yet at a minimum, retain the default textures of the armor (or High Res them, your choice).


The fact of the matter is, the armor is aesthetically decent (debatable) but unfortunately, instead of looking like a slender assassin, you look like you have the physical girth of a lumberjack.


Some details regarding what to trim might be allowing CBBE weight sliders have an affect on the armor's appearance. Also, trimming down abdominal area and thighs as well.


A great model and example would be Scarlett Johansson's character in the Avengers. http://cdn.screenrant.com/wp-content/uploads/Scarlett-Johansson-Black-Widow-Costume-The-Avengers.jpg

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Well I started typing this out thinking this replaced it - however they haven't gotten to it yet. (I don't use CBBE, so I'd never done more than glance at it before.)


So, if no one takes you up on this it'll hopefully be done eventually. Either way I hope it's done soon. I love the ancient shrouded armor and I'm currently debating swapping to CBBE, it seems like it's the first one for things to be made for.

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Well I started typing this out thinking this replaced it - however they haven't gotten to it yet. (I don't use CBBE, so I'd never done more than glance at it before.)


So, if no one takes you up on this it'll hopefully be done eventually. Either way I hope it's done soon. I love the ancient shrouded armor and I'm currently debating swapping to CBBE, it seems like it's the first one for things to be made for.




I hope this gets made as well :D

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Killer Kreos skimpy armor set actually includes a non-skimpy conversion of the DB armor for CBBE (i think its for v2 though). I made a conversion myself before realizing there was a cbbe version already. I never released the basic DB armor, but used it as a base for another custom armor set.


Here's Killer Kreos Skimpy CBBE


An image of my unreleased version Link


I think there is a version of Killer Kreos that is bodyslide enabled (i haven't looked into this personally, so I may very well be wrong). Otherwise you'll have to wait for Caliente to release her official CBBE conversion.

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  • 5 months later...


Well I started typing this out thinking this replaced it - however they haven't gotten to it yet. (I don't use CBBE, so I'd never done more than glance at it before.)


So, if no one takes you up on this it'll hopefully be done eventually. Either way I hope it's done soon. I love the ancient shrouded armor and I'm currently debating swapping to CBBE, it seems like it's the first one for things to be made for.



I hope this gets made as well :biggrin:

Whow! release your skin please it's awsome.

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