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Skyrim + ENB + dxtory + SKSE = Issues


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Hi all,


I'm having a problem running Skyrim with all the things mentioned in my title.


I can play Skyrim totally fine with:


Skyrim + dxtory + SKSE

Skyrim + SKSE + ENB


But NOT Skyrim + dxtory + ENB + SKSE.


Originally I was even just having issues with Skyrim + dxtory + ENB. I disabled AA (AntiAliasing) from the Skyrim options and then stopped crashing. Otherwise it would crash to desktop (no error messages) upon loading a save game.


After turning off AA though and running SKSE again so I can run my mods, the same thing is happening now. CTD when I load a save game.


I have tried turning Skyrim graphics options to LOW in case it was some kind of Video memory issue (mentioned by official ENBSeries guy) but it still crashes.


I'm recording some videos and I'd really like to be able to use all my mods and ENB...


This is all using the "Injector" version of ENB, which he says should be compatible with anything.




Windows 7 64bit Home Premium

Intel i5 3570K

8 GB DDR3 1600

GeForce GTX670 (MSI)


Vanilla Skyrim with official HD texture pack I pretty much run at 100+ FPS at all times at ULTRA preset.

With ENB I won't go below around 40 FPS at ULTRA preset with "True Vision" ENB version/settings.


Does anyone have any recommendations?



Edited by naossoan
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