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"Best" ENB for Interiors?


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Hi all,


I'm currently using Photetrax ENB, but feel the need for change, because I messed up the Interiorlighting after doing some tweaks and forgot to back up my settings.


As the title says, I'm looking for "the best" ENB for Interiors. So far I have tried out Excalibre, Prismatic and Visceral but as there are hundreds of ENB Preset on the Nexus, I was hoping for somebody to maybe share his preset or point me to a ENB, so I'd have a starting point.


Any help would be very much appreciated!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Was wondering the literal same thing. Prismatic is new and great for exteriors, but doesn't bode too well with interior lighting etc.


Was told to use Silent Horizons or Rudy. I'd suggest watching a video of some and taking a look at interiors in them.

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