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Integrating existing Pregnancy Resources.


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After talking to several modders, I understand that Skyrim requires three complete parts to make a working pregnancy mod, 1) Animations. 2) Pregnancy Models. 3) Pregnancy scripting.


After surfing the Nexus and 'another site,' I was surprised to find that we actually have all three of these items, they just aren't integrated yet.


1) Animations. As most of you are aware, Skyrim now has three working 'Sex Mods' that add in naughty animations, and other side features into the game. Two of the three sex mods, ASX and AP, are hosted right here on the Nexus.


2) Pregnancy models. Over on 'another site,' there are at least two pregnant bodies floating around. They are modders resources, and so are there for any modder wishing to use them. I don't know if I am allowed to mention the site, but most Skyrim modders will know where I am talking about.


3) Pregnancy scripting. Right here on the Nexus, we have a working and playable pregnancy script. It is a modders resource. Link: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12419


My question is this, can we get these resources integrated on some kind of working level? We have all of the resources, and despite the 'sex mods' getting rather advanced, there really doesn't seem to be any talk of getting pregnancy up and working for Skyrim as we had in Oblivion, Fallout, and NV.

Edited by Thoragoros
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it would be great if this project can be integrated, i have been using the pregnancy mod and works quite very well, it needs babys acording the races but i think it can be fixed, greetings, im looking forward for this come to light
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  • 9 months later...

I would love something like this also from what i've seen in terms of mods and technology Im hoping we get something close to full body simulation games by 2060 but probably no but back on topic pregnancy would be a great mod and I would but I cant mod at all

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