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oblivion wont start up...


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whenever i open oblivion, it comes up with the black window for about 2 seconds, then it just closes itself, with no error message or anything =/


ive played oblivion on my computer many times before and this has never happened previously, could anybody please help me?

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I had the same thing happen to me it turned out to be a bad mod. You might want to remove all your mods and try reinstalling them. That's how I found my problem but unfortunately my saves were also corrupt and I ended up having to start a new game with a fresh install of Oblivion.
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Same here - bad mod issue. Did you install something new? Try disabling it.


If that doesn't fix it, disable your mods in groups (ie 1 to 10, 11 - 20, or whatever works for you) until you find a group that, when disabled, allows the game to load. Then narrow it down within that group.


If this doesn't help, you may need a reinstall.

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