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File Path Issue


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C:\Users\Brad Stevens\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Steam


This is the path I show for my Skyrim game. Seems incorrect based upon all the other paths I've seen listed. My games are in C: program files - which I think everyone advises against. That said, if I try to place my vortex mods there the "settings" in vortex give me the error that I cannot use the "program files" path.


Can someone point me to the correct spot to figure this out.


Thanks in advance.

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Thanks guess that was a bit vague:


Nexus Version

Nexus 0.18.6


0 Mods installed. 1st one attempted


Running Windows 10 home


CPU - Alienware Aurora R7, I7, 3.2, 16gb


Path noted above is what is shown by pulling the info from the start button.


Correct path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition




When that is entered I receive the following error message:


"You can not put mods into the game directory. This directory is under the control of the game (and potentially Steam or similar) so your mods might be deleted or moved or otherwise damaged by foreign software. Please choose a separate folder for staging folder, one that no other application uses."


I was under the impression the mod needed to go into the folder where the game data resided. Any assistance would be appreciated.

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That first path you show is the path to the start menu shortcut. It has nothing to do with where your game actually is.

Tell Vortex where your game actually is, if it does not find it.

The mod directory has to be on the same disk partition, but not in the game directory or Program Files.

C:/Vortex/Mods would be my choice for you.

Vortex Downloads can be anywhere, on any disk. Not in the game directory or Program Files or a flash drive though...

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