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Bronies - I think I MAY just become one


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I've tried to see what people see as the attraction to the show, but it doesn't have the magic other people see, imo.


The writing shows hints of small amounts of intelligence, but the, for the lack of a better word, stupidity surrounding it all seems to drown that out. The two episodes I actually liked were where everything that the show cherishes, aka the love and friendship, was turned on it's heels. In the mean time, the very things that make it endearing to little children should turn the older audience off. I guess that I just can't lower my expectations enough to actually enjoy the show. That, and a few things here or there reek of lazy writing to me. The whole "cutey mark" thing still bothers me. They can't have talents without having a symbol appearing on their butt? Is it their greatest talents? Can they do things counter-intuitive to that mark?


I guess a lot of things about the show just bug me. :/

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I think I see you points... the whone mini-clip to me showed *Multiple* personalities that kinda reminded me of more intelligent things but a seasoned scounts anylysis is always desired.


Thanks... I think I am cured of my Bronitis.... thing... syndrome going on... but the curiosity is sadly :(((( is still there!


MAJOR help needed for that!

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haha Don't worry. I came to my opinion on the show after watching a lot of it. It's one of those shows I watch just to make fun of, sorta like watching to shut your brain off and make fun of all the stupidity. I know I'll never be a fan and that the characters will always be groan worthy, along with the really bad morals each episode.


Don't be afraid to watch it knowing that you'll never really like it, just groan at it and laugh over how stupid it is. It's one of those "Be secure in your masculinity" situations.

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I'm not insulting the people who watch the show, it's just... that's how the show is sorta formatted. Sure you have some smart writing peaking it's head at times, but the idea that ties everything in the show together, the magic of friendship, is something straight from a children's show and for a children's show.


I'm not saying that friendship isn't awesome. It's just the way it's presented in the show. It's sorta like people who are always happy, no matter what happens. It's great that you're happy in life, but the other things have a place. It's the same here. Friendship is cool and all, but a show based entirely around it that is inherently for children, even if, you as an older person, enjoy it.


You're not stupid for enjoying it. The show is just automatically dumbed down when you have a moral of the week and everything is always sunny and happy by the end of these episodes.

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Meh. Looks pretty standard for me. I've seen more craziness from Invader Zim.


Though now I know why there are so many pony memes around, they sure give a flood of material for them in the show!

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