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Breezehome-Alchemy lab not appearing


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Hi everyone. I'm replaying Skyrim and just became Thane of Whiterun and then bought the house. For some reason the back part of the house where the desk and alchemy stuff normally goes hasn't appeared---it's just an empty space with cobwebs. I noticed that when I bought the furnishings that after buying each item, the text for that item disappeared, but when I bought the alchemy lab, that text stayed in the Steward's list of comments.


I'm wondering if this could be related to mods I have installed or something different, so I thought I'd write and see if anyone else has had this happen before.


Thanks so much for your help,


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Other player's bug reports regarding the same situation... found on elderscrolls.wikia.com




With the add-on Dawnguard, if you have not purchased the alchemy lab, it is possible you don't have the option to buy it from aventus or the option is there and he just keeps taking your gold without installing the upgrade! To fix this you'll need to make a save before you purchase Breezehome, exit the game uninstall or delete Dawnguard from your xbox (Has not been tested on other platforms) start the game and load the save you have just made and purchase the house and all the upgrades (Costs 6500 gold) save and exit again and re-install Dawngaurd when you load the last save you made you should have the Alchemy lab and the Dawnguard DLC (you won't have to pay for Dawnguard again).JamJar1988 (talk) 03:58, August 13, 2012 (UTC)JamJar1988JamJar1988 (talk) 03:58, August 13, 2012 (UTC)

360 Personally, I did have the option to buy it, and tried to. He took the money, but the option was still listed and the lab wasn't installed. SlainSeraph (talk) 21:24, July 11, 2012 (UTC)


maybe if you've got Dawnguard installed that's a possible culprit. I can't say for sure as I don't have that DLC.

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