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Trigger isn't working?


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So I'm a new modder, still pretty wet around the ears. But I've managed to cobble together some rudimentary quests, dialogue trees, triggers, et cetera, so I'm mildly competent at this point.


However, I've got a few things that I can't get to work. Most important at the moment is that my WIP companion works off a series of loyalty/hatred points. Loyalty eventually opens up a quest and perks, and pissing him off enough eventually gets him to leave and attack you (and certain actions are an automatic leave).


Except it doesn't.


Here's what I have.


Begin GameMode

if (AlexRef.IsAngryWithPlayer >= 5)

Set AlexRef.IsFuriousWithPlayer to 1




Begin GameMode

if (AlexRef.IsFuriousWithPlayer == 1)

SetEssential FollowerAlex 0

AlexREF.StartConversation Player FollowerAlexAlexHasHadEnough

AlexRef.RemoveFromFaction PlayerFaction

SetFactionReaction AlexMercerFaction PlayerFaction -100




The conversation triggered finishes the rest of those pieces, with;


ShowMessage AlexMessageFurious

Set AlexREF.Waiting to 0

Set AlexREF.HasBeenHired to 0

Set AlexREF.Hireable to 0

Set AlexREF.L38 to 0

Set AlexREF.IsFollowingDefault to 0

Set AlexREF.IsFollowingLong to 0

AlexREF.SetPlayerTeammate 0

AlexREF.RemovePerk AlexLoyaltyPerk



But it doesn't seem like the first trigger is getting hit at all, because no conversation is initiated, even when I do things that would put him into the Furious state. Could a more experienced modder point out any issues in my scripts here?


Thanks. :3

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In both your GameMode blocks, whilst they are active they will be continuously running the same bit of code


Begin GameMode

if (AlexRef.IsAngryWithPlayer >= 5)

Set AlexRef.IsFuriousWithPlayer to 1




This one will continuously set AlexRef.IsFuriousWithPlayer to 1


to stop that happening repeatedly put in a condition to only do it when alex isnt furious



if (AlexRef.IsAngryWithPlayer >= 5) && ( AlexRef.IsFuriousWithPlayer == 0 )



Your next GameMode will constantly try to start the convo (and is probably why its never starting)


you can cure it by incrementing AlexRef.IsFuriousWithPlayer at the end so that it invalidates the if statement and stops it running repeatedly




Begin GameMode

if (AlexRef.IsFuriousWithPlayer == 1)

SetEssential FollowerAlex 0

AlexREF.StartConversation Player FollowerAlexAlexHasHadEnough

AlexRef.RemoveFromFaction PlayerFaction

SetFactionReaction AlexMercerFaction PlayerFaction -100

set AlexRef.IsFuriousWithPlayer to 2 ;this will stop the startconversation being repeatedly called





Of course it may not be this and may be an artifact of where these gamemode blocks are.


I'll stop rambling now

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I hate to double post, but... curiously enough, I can't get Alex to actually attack the player, even though the rest of the furious script works. He'll attack if attacked, but he won't initiate combat. Can anyone see any problems, or identify what might be a problem?


I might add, there's a StartCombat trigger at the end of the Furious dialogue - starts on end.

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I did, and he is aggressive.


Result script is this;


Begin block;


ShowMessage AlexMessageFurious

Set AlexREF.Waiting to 0

Set AlexREF.HasBeenHired to 0

Set AlexREF.Hireable to 0

Set AlexREF.L38 to 0

Set AlexREF.IsFollowingDefault to 0

Set AlexREF.IsFollowingLong to 0

AlexREF.SetPlayerTeammate 0

SetFactionReaction AlexMercerFaction PlayerFaction -100

SetFactionReaction PlayerFaction AlexMercerFaction -100

AlexREF.RemovePerk AlexLoyaltyPerk



End Block;


AlexRef.StartCombat Player



He becomes unhireable and ceases to act as a teammate, but he doesn't attack.

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As the end resultscript, try just using



startcombat player


The resetai command is useful to make the npc throw away whatever it is they are doing. You also don't need to specify AlerRef, since the appropriate npc is implicity defined as the subject of the conversation (i.e. the one you are talking to)

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