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  1. As the end resultscript, try just using resetai startcombat player The resetai command is useful to make the npc throw away whatever it is they are doing. You also don't need to specify AlerRef, since the appropriate npc is implicity defined as the subject of the conversation (i.e. the one you are talking to)
  2. NPcs need to be agressive or Very agressive in order to attack facation enemies The simplest solution though is to add this to your conversation result script: StartCombat Player whereupon alex will attack.
  3. In both your GameMode blocks, whilst they are active they will be continuously running the same bit of code Begin GameMode if (AlexRef.IsAngryWithPlayer >= 5) Set AlexRef.IsFuriousWithPlayer to 1 Endif End This one will continuously set AlexRef.IsFuriousWithPlayer to 1 to stop that happening repeatedly put in a condition to only do it when alex isnt furious eg: if (AlexRef.IsAngryWithPlayer >= 5) && ( AlexRef.IsFuriousWithPlayer == 0 ) Your next GameMode will constantly try to start the convo (and is probably why its never starting) you can cure it by incrementing AlexRef.IsFuriousWithPlayer at the end so that it invalidates the if statement and stops it running repeatedly thus: Begin GameMode if (AlexRef.IsFuriousWithPlayer == 1) SetEssential FollowerAlex 0 AlexREF.StartConversation Player FollowerAlexAlexHasHadEnough AlexRef.RemoveFromFaction PlayerFaction SetFactionReaction AlexMercerFaction PlayerFaction -100 set AlexRef.IsFuriousWithPlayer to 2 ;this will stop the startconversation being repeatedly called Endif End Of course it may not be this and may be an artifact of where these gamemode blocks are. I'll stop rambling now
  4. Just substitute GREETING for the topic of your choice (and add a meaningful prompt for each response). If that topic has been made available to the npc, then the first prompt from the response list will be displayed. Then next time, the second and then finally the third, whereupon you can run your setstage in the result script to fire the new quest.
  5. Try using the say once flag. Example: 3 info entries in the greeting topic, conditioned to your npc GREETING (say once, goodbye) Go away! GREETING (say once, goodbye) I said go away! GREETING (goodbye) I kill you!! (result script: startcombat player) The npc would say something unique twice (ending the conversation each time), then after the thrid time, close the conversation and start combat with the player. Hope this is of some value.
  6. It looks like its finding the first available reply in the info list and saying that. As a test you can try conditioning out the default greeting (just to make sure he says one thing with the radio and another thing when you dont have it). i.e. (Target) GetItemCount DesmondsRadio == 0 A simple solution would be to add a topic to your greeting response - which contains your conditioned (has the radio) reply - maybe with the prompt of 'whats the radio desmond?'. Then when you have the radio, the response from that topic will be available. So you can explore the radio informaion during the course of normal conversation.
  7. I've been over 1k unique downloads for a while now, but alas don't have access to the modders forum. My mods aren't for skyrim though, they are in the Fallout: New Vegas section.
  8. The link fails with the following error: [#10342] We could not determine which forum this topic is in.
  9. In order to run a timed script off an activator, I like to set a variable in the OnActivate block, and handle the timer in a GameMode block (the timer being dependent on the var set by OnActivate) Something like scn ActivatedTimerScript int DoOnce int SetupOnce int HasBeenTriggered float Timer int TimerStage begin OnActivate Player if DoOnce == 0 set HasBeenTriggered to 1 set DoOnce to 1 endif end ;OnActivate Player begin GameMode if HasBeenTriggered == 1 if SetupOnce == 0 set Timer to 0 set TimerStage to 0 set SetupOnce to 1 endif set Timer to Timer + GetSecondsPassed if Timer >= 5 && TimerStage == 0 ;do first thing set TimerStage to 1 endif if Timer >= 10 && TimerStage == 1 ;do second thing set TimerStage to 2 endif if Timer >= 15 %% TimerStage == 2 ;do last thing and clenup ;either reset the variables for re-use or disable and markfordelete the activator set TimerStage to 3 set HasBeenTriggered to 2 disable markfordelete endif endif end ;GameMode This may address your need for a timer.
  10. @bben46 Thanks for the reply, All I see are the following subsections (and the sub forums contained therein): Nexus Mod Manager - Open BETA; News, Rules and Feedback; Nexus site forums; Specific Games; General gaming; Discussions; Software Programs. (None of the sub forums are the author one either) @ Thandal Slave Town is my latest offering (for Fallout New Vegas).
  11. I have a question about the mod author's forum. I have written a couple of mods now (for fallout new vegas), and was told by a friend (who has access) that once I have passed the 1000 unique downloads mark, I should have access to that forum. It seems that I don't currently have access, even after 9k+ unique downloads. So, am I broken or merely misguided? Cheers.
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