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skyrim sound error


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okay so what happens is this whenever i point my cursor at a character instead of there voice being at its loudest there voice fades away so

and the weird part is when i look away there voices get louder as if im pointing at the

yes i have tried changing my speaker settings but no help i have also looked for its problem but i cant find any help any insight on to what is wrong with my game would be greatly appreciated

and i have skyrim of of stem if that makes a difference

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It'd be a big help if you explained if you were using say.


Make and model of hardware and sound equipment.


Tip go to your manufacturer site and read up on your speakers, headset, user manual, and control panel settings.


Also have you made sure that your sound hardware is set up correctly for Skyrim?

I have a G35 Headset now on the side of the headset is a switch that can make the game fake surround sound and I could only hear the game out of one ear.

Why not hook up another set of speakers and see if the problem persists.

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