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Project Nevada Sprint issue


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so I got Fallout: New Vegas project Nevada working, and I was having fun with the Sprint function, It stopped working soon after I left Goodsprings. I tried turning sprint off and back on, but it still only causes me to walk. Any solution for this?

Even after changing the button my run/walk is set to, and changing my sprint to another button, it still refuses to work properly.

Starting a new character solves nothing.

Edited by DoctorXqY
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Two things can happen. Sometimes the sprint scripts crash. The solution is to turn the feature off, save and exit the game, then reload and restart it. This clears all instances out of memory, and then restarts the managing quest, usually fixing the problem.


The other issue is that sometimes it remaps or even completely unbinds the walk/run key. So check in your control settings to make sure that walk/run is bound to whatever key you had it set to. It's a rare bug, but does happen. If you're wondering why in the world it unbinds it, it's due to the way the sprint feature works, otherwise you'd actually wind up just walking :smile:

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  • 5 years later...

i recently had the same problem my brother had told me about the mod and i decided to install it half way (or around halfway) and all the other features worked except for the running feature mad sure i had it at SHIFT and disabled it restarted and then enabled it back on and it did not work any more ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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Please note the date of the previous post, and see the Nexus "Terms of Service" about not resurrecting old threads. The primary reason is that the original thread participants are seldom still around, and it is unlikely that you have exactly the same setup. Details matter. Best to start your own thread and Please provide ALL the information requested in the wiki "How to ask for help" article.

That said, Please see the 'Issue: How to determine what keystrokes are being passed' entry under the "Solutions to Control problems" section

in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide. That will let you know if you are actually sending the "left" <Shift> key as intended. (Yes, the left and right <Shift> keys send different scan codes and can be distinguished between. I don't recall which PN is expecting, but that is a possibility.)


That same "Solutions to Control problems" section has some other things you should check.


If I interpret your run-on sentence/paragraph correctly, you installed PN around half way through your current "play-thru". In that case, you may want to test by going back the the save file just before you installed PN, load it after you re-install PN and test if it is functioning at that point. If so, then consider if you installed another mod after that point and if it might conflict.



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