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Trinity: A Fictional Story


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Wonderful as per usual Dezi, I only caught two this time.


- Raz


“One day when his parents came home, he wasn’t there. I t was not an unusual occurrence in itself so they weren’t concerned. Time pasted and it got later and later and still not even a phone call from him to them and that was unusual. His parents began calling his friends, they called the school, but no one had seen him since he’d left school with his friends and they had bid him farewell, as usual a few blocks from his home. His father called the police and as he was a prominent person in the community, a squad car and a car with two detectives were dispatched to their home.”

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Wonderful as per usual Dezi, I only caught two this time.


- Raz


“One day when his parents came home, he wasn’t there. I t was not an unusual occurrence in itself so they weren’t concerned. Time pasted and it got later and later and still not even a phone call from him to them and that was unusual. His parents began calling his friends, they called the school, but no one had seen him since he’d left school with his friends and they had bid him farewell, as usual a few blocks from his home. His father called the police and as he was a prominent person in the community, a squad car and a car with two detectives were dispatched to their home.”

thanks,but I found one we both missed,I have to cut your pay now...lol

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A while later the door to the bedroom opened, Sam walked in to see Trinity lying stomach down on the bed and Jack gently running his fingers up and down her spine. Sam walked up to the bed, Trinity smiled at her. Sam unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor; she then slowly and sensually slid her panties down over her thighs, down her legs and kicked them to the side.


She stretched her body which was lean and muscled from hours of jazzercise and workouts and Trinity reached out her hand and ran it down her stomach and then between her legs. Sam moaned softly as Trinity explored her.

Removing her hand Trinity stuck her fingers into her mouth. The air was supercharged with anticipation and the sex about to happen. Sam looked at Jack, then Trinity. “Are you ready for me?” she whispered, her voice like a soft calling of the wind across a meadow.


Trinity rolled onto her back; Sam looked down, smiled and climbed onto the bed. She straddled Trinity and then lowered herself to her knees, her hips poised right above Trinity’s face. Trinity ran her hands up and down Samantha’s thighs, as Jack began kissing her back and her buttocks.

Sam moaned again as she felt her body respond to the attention it was getting. She looked down into Trinity’s eyes. They were like black pools, bottomless and full of promise and yearning.

Jack’s hand reached around and now started caressing her left breast, and then Trinity closed her eyes and a deep moan escaped her lips and Sam knew where Jack’s other hand was.


Trinity opened her eyes, licked her red lips and then winked at Sam.

”You are so beautiful Trinity, so very beautiful, desirable beyond compare. Everything about you whispers pleasure, passion and sex.” Jack’s fingers appeared at her mouth and she licked the clear fluid from them. She was on fire and burning with need and a want to be sated. She eased herself down onto Trinity’s face, and as if this had been choreographed a hundred times before, Trinity felt herself engulfed by Jack’s warm mouth.



When Trinity awoke she knew it was late in the day. Jack was gone but Sam was still asleep. She carefully slid out of bed; on the chair was a red silk robe with a folded piece of paper on it. Trinity picked up the paper, unfolded it and read the words. “A small gift from Samantha and me. The bathrooms thru the door, there are some things in there for you as well. Love, Jack


Carrying the robe over one arm she entered the bathroom. She was awestruck. The bathroom had to be as big as the living room in her apartment. She looked around at everything, at things she had no idea of what they even were.


On a table were a towel, some shampoo, body wash and other womanly essentials, along with a new Luffa pad. Trinity set down her robe, then picked up the items and opened the door to a shower as big as her entire bathroom. There were more shower heads then she’d ever seen in one shower, and like a child with a new toy she began turning knobs, the water was already warm and she soon was being covered by water coming from all different directions. She laughed and danced and had never enjoyed a shower as she had this one.


She washed her hair, rinsed it and washed it again; she then scrubbed her body with the body wash and the Luffa. Steam was everywhere and soon she heard a small humming as if a fan had started somewhere.


She emerged from the shower; towel dried her hair and then her body. She slipped into the robe, grabbed the new brush, walked over to the full length mirror and brushed her hair. She decided to leave it damp, it always curled slightly when she did that. She thought about yesterday and last night, a huge grin appeared going from ear to ear. She felt wonderful and full of life as she left the bathroom.


As she passed by the open kitchen, the aroma of freshly ground and brewed coffee filled her nostrils. Even as a small child she had always loved the smell of coffee beans. There were clean cups on the counter top, so Trinity poured herself one. She saw Jack on the huge terrace, sitting at a table and talking on his cell phone. Her stomach grumbled loudly as she hadn’t eaten since early yesterday.


She padded in her bare feet out onto the terrace, Jack held up his index finger, Trinity nodded and walked over to the railing. She could not look down as another two foot of iron bars atop the concrete poured railing, kept anyone from leaning out for any reason. She gazed out across the city, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky and the sun shone brightly. How beautiful she thought, clean looking, how good it smelled up here above the noise and pollution.


She turned and Jack was gone, standing inside was Rebecca and she was staring at her, She wore a black skin tight body suit that left nothing to the imagination, and her thick red hair hung luxuriously down past her shoulders. Trinity couldn’t take her eyes away. Rebecca smiled and motioned with her head for Trinity to enter. Like a moth drawn towards an open flame she walked inside and stopped in front of her. Rebecca was around Five Foot, Ten inches tall which made her a good six inches taller than Trinity.


“Hello there Trinity, I’m sorry we didn’t get a chance to get to know each other a little better earlier this morning.” Rebecca’s voice was like music, and her perfume once again assaulted Trinity’s senses.


“You are very beautiful, and now maybe a little afternoon delight is in order.” Her voice washed over Trinity like a sexual wave and Trinity now knew how a trapped animal felt. Rebecca took her hand and ran it along the left side of Trinity’s face, pushing back her almost dry hair. With her other hand she reached up and caressed Trinity’s neck and then slowly moved her hand onto her shoulder under the robe. Trinity was lost in the green swirling maze that were Rebecca’s eyes, and Rebecca’s touch made her skin feel on fire and needing of more attention at the same time. As if in a trance Trinity stepped in closer and put her hands on Rebecca’s waist.


“You want me child, I can tell,” Rebecca’s voice seemed to hiss at her. "You need to taste me, to lose yourself in my lush body. I can take you places you’ve never been before, bring you to heights of pleasure that will leave you begging for release.” Rebecca’s other hand was know on Trinity’s other shoulder, and she moved both hands outward and the robe slipped off Trinity’s shoulders to end up caught on her arms.


Rebecca looked down, “Your breasts are beautiful and your dark nipples heighten your attraction, you were born for pleasure Trinity, and I will show you and teach you how to give it and get it." Her hands slid down to Trinity’s breasts and she leaned forward and kissed Trinity gently. As if they had a will of their own, Trinity’s lips parted and Rebecca’s tongue moved in. Rebecca’s tongue tasted of anise and she soon found herself unable to think of anything except being with Rebecca.


As if in the distance she heard her name, but Rebecca’s hands worked magic on her bare skin. Again her name, perhaps louder, but Rebecca’s tongue was like a thing alive, feeding Trinity’s need and making her aroused.

“Trinity”, it was Sam’s voice and suddenly she was pulled free of Rebecca’s embrace.


Trinity’s eyes opened and she saw Sam and Rebecca staring at each other.


Rebecca smiled. “Good morning Samantha, beautiful day today is it not?”


Sam smiled back, “Why yes Becca it is”


Trinity thought she saw Rebecca’s smile faulter just for a moment.


“Trinity is a lovely creature;" I was showing her something to her liking.”


Trinity could tell they were both being polite, but the look in Rebecca’s eyes said she was upset that Sam had broken up her attempt at getting Trinity alone.


“She is indeed a beautiful young woman and I’m afraid not up to the things you’d be willing to teach her Rebecca, I’m sure you see my point?”Sam’s voice had an edge to it.


"Perhaps you’re right Samantha, perhaps. Trinity my sweet, I’m sure we’ll meet again, in fact I’d count on it” She turned and walked across the room and down another hallway.


Sam turned Trinity towards her, looked her in the eyes and said,”She is a very dangerous woman, very dangerous.”

“I was….I don’t know what I was thinking" Trinity’s head lowered


Sam put her hands on either side of Trinity’s face and lifted her head.”Whatever you do, you promise me you’ll stay away from her, promise me!”Sam’s voice had an urgency to it.


“Ok, but I thought you were friends that you and Jack had helped her.” pouted Trinity.


“We were and we did, but she’s nothing like she was, she’s changed, and the only reason she came with us last night was because she was with Maxwell. I hate to think what might have happened if Jack hadn’t come and woke me up.”


“I still don’t understand what was she going to do?” Trinity’s voice now had a trace of fear in it.


“Trinity, Rebecca deals in ‘rough trade’” Sam said it flatly and with little feeling. Trinity’s head cocked to one side like a small dog that doesn’t understand the command it was just given.

“Honey she likes giving and receiving rough sex, leather, whips, straps, and I don’t mean the gentle tap, tap on the skin that some find a turn on. I’m talking real pain, with blood being drawn." The look on Trinity’s face made Sam take her into her arms and hold her tightly. She hadn’t wanted to tell her, but maybe it was better that she dealt with it now. Trinity’s whole body shook as memories came back to the surface of that day not so long ago.


Destiny and Lao came out from around the corner and walked over to Sam and Trinity. “What the hell was that all about, we caught the show down between Rebecca and you” said Lao to Samantha.


Sam told them what happened and the girls wrapped their arms around Trinity too.


Rebecca and Max walked out of the hallway,”We can’t stay Samantha; I have an appointment to keep, come Maxwell," said Rebecca. Maxwell hunched his shoulders and followed her out the door.”See you later Trinity, my little prize” said Rebecca and then laughed. Destiny whirled around and gave Rebecca the finger. The smile faded. Maxwell closed the door.


“Not a good idea Destiny” said Sam

“She don’t scare me none, I’ll beat her ass she touches Trinity again" said Destiny with an edge to her voice now.


Trinity lifted her head. "I still had a great time yesterday and this morning, thank you all. I love you guys" said Trinity softly.


“Let’s eat” said Jack who had been watching the episode from the kitchen.


“Yes, let’s” said Sam. “Come on girls, I’ll show you how to make my special Spinach and feta cheese omelets." The three “Yeah’s were almost in unison.

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“One day when his parents came home, he wasn’t there. It was not an unusual occurrence in itself so they weren’t concerned. Time pasted and it got later and later and still not even a phone call from him to them and that was unusual. His parents began calling his friends, they called the school, but no one had seen him since he’d left school with his friends and they had bid him farewell, as usual a few blocks from his home. His father called the police and as he was a prominent person in the community, a squad car and a car with two detectives were dispatched to their home.”


You still missed this one even after I pointed it out to you....lol. ( passed )


hmm....now who's slipping...lol

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OK Dezi, prepare yourself.......this one's going to hurt. Are you sitting down?

You are....Good. OK, here I go.


“You want me child, I can tell,” Rebecca’s voice seemed to hiss at her. You need to taste me, to lose yourself in my lush body. I can take you places you’ve never been before, bring you to heights of pleasure that will leave you begging for release.” Rebecca’s other hand was know on Trinity’s other shoulder, and she moved both hands outward and the robe slipped off Trinity’s shoulders to end up caught on her arms.


You need a quotation mark there.


Rebecca looked down, “Your breasts are beautiful and your dark nipples heighten your attraction, you were born for pleasure Trinity, and I will show you and teach you how to give it and get it. Her hands slid down to Trinity’s breasts and she leaned forward and kissed Trinity gently. As if they had a will of their own, Trinity’s lips parted and Rebecca’s tongue moved in. Rebecca’s tongue tasted of anise and she soon found herself unable to think of anything except being with Rebecca.


Same here.


Perhaps you’re right Samantha, perhaps. Trinity my sweet, I’m sure we’ll meet again, in fact I’d count on it” She turned and walked across the room and down another hallway.


And another one at the beginning of this one.


Sam turned Trinity towards her, looked her in the eyes and said,”She is a very dangerous woman, very dangerous.”

“I was….I don’t know what I was thinking’ Trinity’s head lowered


Well, this time you forgot to press the shift key.


“Ok, but I thought you were friends that you and Jack had helped her,” pouted Trinity.


You need a period there.


“Honey she likes giving and receiving rough sex, leather, whips, straps, and I don’t mean the gentle tap, tap on the skin that some find a turn on. I’m talking real pain, with blood being draw. The look on Trinity’s face made Sam take her into her arms and hold her tightly. She hadn’t wanted to tell her, but maybe it was better that she dealt with it now. Trinity’s whole body shook as memories came back to the surface of that day not so long ago.


You need an n on the end of drawn and a quotation mark after it.


Destiny and Lao came out from around the corner and walked over to Sam and Trinity. “What the hell was that all about, we caught the show down between Rebecca and you” said Lao to Samantha.


There's nothing wrong with this one, I just think it sounds smoother if you write it out as You and Rebecca instead. But that's just my opinion.


Rebecca and Max walked out of the hallway,”We can’t stay Samantha; I have an appointment to keep, come Maxwell, said Rebecca. Maxwell hunched his shoulders and followed her out the door.”See you later Trinity, my little prize” said Rebecca and then laughed. Destiny whirled around and gave Rebecca the finger. The smile faded. Maxwell closed the door.


Return of the dreaded Quotation mark.


“She don’t scare me none, I’ll beat her ass she touches Trinity again said Destiny with an edge to her voice now.


Trinity lifted her head. I still had a great time yesterday and this morning, thank you all. I love you guys said Trinity softly.


Yep, All Quotation marks again.


“Yes, let’s” said Sam. “Come on girls, I’ll show you how to make my special Spinach and feta cheese omelets. The three “Yeah’s were almost in unison.


And lastly a final Quotation mark.


Whew!!!!! So I don't know about you, but I'm starting to think that I maybe earned my full pay back, what do you think Dezi....lol.

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Story is moving along nice if I wasn't so distracted, by the editor..Its why I have not been here as much of late...

OK this is just my feel no offence Ok, do don't take this personal Draco..personally my advice it is far more appropiate to not have a break in the flow,of the story there is the encouragements, thats good, but for me anyways, how I feel, no personal affront meant ..The correction publically interferes in that flow for me..


umm Draco it seems more appropiate to send the corrections Pm..then she can fix that in her script at home, if she wishes, instead of breaking the flow here..If It was me telling this story, I would tell you that.. I mean its nice to offer assistance, but I would take it personally if it was done so publically..that's just me, I would appreciate the private help, but not publicly..its just so.. I don't know it doesn't feel right to me, it detracts some from the writer..la


Then there is not such a public correction and a more private one..and such big corrections breaks in the story..atmosphere, from technical, then try to get back to flow..its very distracting for a reader..

Unless you and that red pen, like the attention..As I said no offence meant, but that's just my Irish outspoken feelings per usual that probably be misunderstood, and per usual will get me trouble with someone..

Its just my feel, that corrections, to something so personal, should be done privately, for it does, break the flow of the atmosphere Dezi created here, thats my opinion ... take it or leave it..but please don't take it as an insult..


With that said per usual, well done Dezi..the flow is important and I hope you don't mind me saying that.but its been really bothering me, the interupt of your story flow...the in between long corrections publicly is a real distraction, in the flow and atmosphere, and its puts me off alitttle..for severeal reasons..perhaps its my nature of a set stage, holds me, as a reader,the long public corrections to a writer seems almost an insult, and breaks the flow of soemthing that seems more appropiate privately,and loses me,its not like the personal encouragement comments.


Love ya Dezi keep up the good work!!!

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