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Achievement capes - Runescape style


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As an avid Runescape fan, i kinda miss some of its features that i'd like to implement in Skyrim.
For those of you who never played RS before, for most achievements you complete in this MMO-RPG game, you get a cape you can wear to show people you have achieved a big goal. I'd like this to be implemented in Skyrim, with a few minor changes.

Overall, this is what i have in mind:

Whenever you achieve a big goal, a courier will come at you and tell you there's a new cape you can purchase that shows your achievement in it, as all the capes will be sold from the same vendor (which will be spawned with this mod somewhere in Skyrim), the courier will basically give you a note that says 'this cape is now available to purchase: <achievement cape name>'.

Capes can be set on many goals, for example:
* Skillcapes that you can purchase after getting level 100 in a particular skill.
* Capes that represents major boss kills like ebony warrior / karstaag / legendary dragon / quest bosses
* Lore-based capes that you can purchase after completing specific quests / tough and grindy requirements that arent related to XP and bosses.
* Max cape, purchased after getting level 100 in all skills, if you're into that thing.
* Master lore cape, purchased after finishing all of the misc tasks within the game (for example unlocking all dragon shouts, obtaining all dragon priest masks, obtaining all daedric artifacts, etc etc).

^^^ we can freely brainwash all of these ideas if and when the mod gets on its way ^^^

Some capes could be 'trimmed', as in be upgraded in visuals to appear fancier, once you've further completed that task, for example with skill capes, reach level 100 twice in a specific skill (aka after resetting it once).
Capes could have bonuses as they're in fact quite rare to obtain, for example archery cape (once getting 100 archery) could add like 20% archery damage, etc etc.

This mod will be dedicated mostly to all the Runescape fans out there that are playing Skyrim, and want to have some of the RS feel and 'fashionscape' in this game.

If a modder likes this idea to be implemented but has no knowledge of RS, i can show him/her how it looks like in RS as we polish this idea further.

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