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Killing/Disappearing a NPC 1 day after quest


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First off thanks to all you guys for helping me with questing. I've completed the quest(s) I was attempting just 1 quest I'd like to add a twist at the end.

Scenario: Player was asked to pick up a gift for a Vendor which the Vendor will give to his wife. Player travels, finds the NPC who has the gift and conversation goes like this..

Player: "I've come to pick up the gift for Barney's wife."

NPC: "His wife? Of course...his wife. here you go, don't lose it or steal it. I'll know if you do."

Player recieves thegift and log entry says "I've collected thegift for Barney. The NPC acted strange when I mwntioned Barney's wife"

Player gives thegift to Barney.

Barney: "Thank you very much." Reward 300 gold, thegift is given to Barney.

All is perfect.

The twist I want is that 1 game day later or sooner (as player might not hang around) a few hours maybe, the player visits Barney's store and sees his wife wearing the necklace but no sign of Barney, this could be prompted by dialouge such as...

Player: "Where's your husband?"

Wife: "He's er...away. He may be some time." For this dialouge to show I need the initial quest "barneyqst" to be completed, does the SetStage of barneyqst still remain at its end stage which is 40? If so then I can trigger the wife's dialouge from that.

How do I make Barney disappear? Or kill him so that his body can be discovered which could then trigger another quest upon finding the body?

I'm asking a lot I know and its not imperative that I do it but its a nice twist and a good learning experience for me.

Thanks for your time.

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I would go about this like so:


~Firstly make sure the NPC Barney's Wife is set to "Initially disabled" so she doesn't appear at all during quest01


~Make a quest 02 (I.e. BarneyQuest02). Make Stages 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and then however many you want after that. Have 20 as the Start up stage.


~Assuming stage 40 is your "Complete Quest" Stage, go to stage 40 in your Quest stages tab, add a property for quest02 in there. Now in the papyrus for Stage 40 of quest 01 add the script:




~Now this bit won't kill him off after 1 day, but it will kill him off after you exit the building he was in when you gave him the gift. Add a Trigger box outside the door of the building he is in (Created using the button that looks like a T in a cube) and just leave it for now, we'll go back to that.


~Now on the last bit of dialogue he says add an ObjectReference property called "Trigger" and select the Trigger box I told you to create a minute ago. Put this Script in the papyrus fragment box:




~Edit the Trigger box and add the properties for ACTOR: Barney, ACTOR: BarneyWife QUEST: BarneyQuest02.


~Add the script:

Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
       If(akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()) 




This means that when you exit the building, Barney will be 'Disabled' and his wife will be 'Enabled'. So in a nutshell Barney will be gone and his wife will now be there.


~Create a new NPC for "DeadBarney" and add him to the world where you want his body to be found. Tick the boxes "Initially disabled" and "Starts Dead" on the NPC when you place him into the world.


~Add Barney's wife's Dialogue (Which should be located inside BarneyQuest02), add DeadBarney as a reference and put the following script to the papyrus in her final piece of Dialogue:





This will enable Barney's corpse in the location you placed it at.


~Now you just have to decide what you want to do that will set the stage to 20 and 'begin' the quest in-game.


Hope this helps, let me know if I missed anything.

Edited by samv96UK
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I would go about this like so:


~Firstly make sure the NPC Barney's Wife is set to "Initially disabled" so she doesn't appear at all during quest01


~Make a quest 02 (I.e. BarneyQuest02). Make Stages 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and then however many you want after that. Have 20 as the Start up stage.


~Assuming stage 40 is your "Complete Quest" Stage, go to stage 40 in your Quest stages tab, add a property for quest02 in there. Now in the papyrus for Stage 40 of quest 01 add the script:




~Now this bit won't kill him off after 1 day, but it will kill him off after you exit the building he was in when you gave him the gift. Add a Trigger box outside the door of the building he is in (Created using the button that looks like a T in a cube) and just leave it for now, we'll go back to that.


~Now on the last bit of dialogue he says add an ObjectReference property called "Trigger" and select the Trigger box I told you to create a minute ago. Put this Script in the papyrus fragment box:




~Edit the Trigger box and add the properties for ACTOR: Barney, ACTOR: BarneyWife QUEST: BarneyQuest02.


~Add the script:

Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
       If(akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()) 




This means that when you exit the building, Barney will be 'Disabled' and his wife will be 'Enabled'. So in a nutshell Barney will be gone and his wife will now be there.


~Create a new NPC for "DeadBarney" and add him to the world where you want his body to be found. Tick the boxes "Initially disabled" and "Starts Dead" on the NPC when you place him into the world.


~Add Barney's wife's Dialogue (Which should be located inside BarneyQuest02), add DeadBarney as a reference and put the following script to the papyrus in her final piece of Dialogue:





This will enable Barney's corpse in the location you placed it at.


~Now you just have to decide what you want to do that will set the stage to 20 and 'begin' the quest in-game.


Hope this helps, let me know if I missed anything.

Sounds logically, only issue is that the building that Barney and his wife are in is the East Empire Harbour House, remember its on the docks and has no door i.e. its part of the World not a cell in its own right. I guess I could trigger the 2nd quest by the player entering another cell but we don't know where the player will go and its highly likely that the player won't return to that World. My mod is a multi-world mod, 3 so far, connected by passing through connecting interior cells,

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