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MO2 not adding mods to "activated" ones


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Hi, i just downloaded MO2 for Skyrim and followed a tutorial to download mods; all works properly, until i have to check the downloaded mod to add them to the active mods list; nothing happens,any mods appear as checked but nothing appears in the right box where activated mods should be


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Hi, i just downloaded MO2 for Skyrim and followed a tutorial to download mods; all works properly, until i have to check the downloaded mod to add them to the active mods list; nothing happens,any mods appear as checked but nothing appears in the right box where activated mods should be


Not every mod had something that goes into that section. But you should see at least some, plus the game and any DLC and updates in that section. Do you at least see the game and it's DLCs?


Do you have MO2 synched up with the LOOT tool?


Make sure you're clicked on plugins for the right side. You probably did but make sure just to be safe. (I made that mistake once. I was clicked on downloads and I prefer to do everything manually so it was actually empty. Freaked me out for a moment).

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Hi, i just downloaded MO2 for Skyrim and followed a tutorial to download mods; all works properly, until i have to check the downloaded mod to add them to the active mods list; nothing happens,any mods appear as checked but nothing appears in the right box where activated mods should be


Not every mod had something that goes into that section. But you should see at least some, plus the game and any DLC and updates in that section. Do you at least see the game and it's DLCs?


Do you have MO2 synched up with the LOOT tool?


Make sure you're clicked on plugins for the right side. You probably did but make sure just to be safe. (I made that mistake once. I was clicked on downloads and I prefer to do everything manually so it was actually empty. Freaked me out for a moment).



ok i just checked with other mods, and they work when not involving replacing vanilla textures with better ones; with any mod i tryed to get better textures, MO say (when i try to install it) "no game data in superior level"; i proceed manually until it say everything ok, then MO unzip and install those mods, and still the same problem: not activating them (and not appearing in game)

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When installing the ones that say "no game data in superior level" there should be a menu that pops up. Right click on the top most folder folder that says "data" in that pop-up menu and select "Set Data Directory". Some of the text should turn green indicating it worked, then you install the mod. It's a very common thing for some mods.


Basically what's happening is that the mod was created using a specific install method intended for a different managing software (like wirebash). So the files aren't organized the same way. You just have to let MO2 know which files are the actual data for the mod. Pretty simple.


I always forget how to post pictures, but if I figure it out I'll post it.

Edited by WakahisaSensei
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Fine, but often i have mutiple folders to install..

Basically mo turns green only if folders contain only texture or meshes (in texture mods)...and sometimes there are multiple folders containing them, so i can t select all simultaneously

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Fine, but often i have mutiple folders to install..

Basically mo turns green only if folders contain only texture or meshes (in texture mods)...and sometimes there are multiple folders containing them, so i can t select all simultaneously

You only have to set the data to be the top level. It should turn green if you do that, but all the files from the mod are still installing. This just puts them in the right order.


Even if there are multiple folders you only need to set "Data" as the top level. You should not have to explore the different folders. In the rare event that you do, my advice is to just select the first folder named "data" that you find and set it as the directory. As long as it turns green you should be good to go.

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