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The Kissing Test


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I just found this....

Your score is: 25 (20 points or higher) Wow! You're a virtual kissing genius. Your technique seems polished and passionate. Keep up the good work!



Then I knew that...like us um 'special gals 'kissing' is oft an art form..One Q I had to answer the closest for I would not have chosen any of those answers on my idea of the perfect kiss..

Good test though...

Kissing is an art form actually...to some of us..whether it be slow and sensous, or passionate ....In my opnion when a kiss is done right and you flow with it, not trying to control it,you can feel the others soul..

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Got 23... I guess in reality it is out of 100. Too much of it is common sense and idealism. How it really is tends to be rather different... This coming from someone who's had such bad timing that I've kissed ear more than once.


I know how it's supposed to go, but don't get a whole lot of practice... If you catch my drift. Sucks being single and still having standards.


My standards = not crazy, stupid, or stupid crazy, In the 22-30 age group, that pretty much eliminates everyone who is single and interested.

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Got 23... I guess in reality it is out of 100. Too much of it is common sense and idealism. How it really is tends to be rather different... This coming from someone who's had such bad timing that I've kissed ear more than once.


I know how it's supposed to go, but don't get a whole lot of practice... If you catch my drift. Sucks being single and still having standards.


My standards = not crazy, stupid, or stupid crazy, In the 22-30 age group, that pretty much eliminates everyone who is single and interested.


You need to expand your age group there Vagrant. Us "old women" are better than you think...like scotch or fine wine. Dont let a wrinkle or 3 and gravity fool you. :)

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Got 23... I guess in reality it is out of 100. Too much of it is common sense and idealism. How it really is tends to be rather different... This coming from someone who's had such bad timing that I've kissed ear more than once.


I know how it's supposed to go, but don't get a whole lot of practice... If you catch my drift. Sucks being single and still having standards.


My standards = not crazy, stupid, or stupid crazy, In the 22-30 age group, that pretty much eliminates everyone who is single and interested.


You need to expand your age group there Vagrant. Us "old women" are better than you think...like scotch or fine wine. Dont let a wrinkle or 3 and gravity fool you. :)




you go girl!!!!!

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Your score is: 25 (20 points or higher) Wow! You're a virtual kissing genius. Your technique seems polished and passionate. Keep up the good work!



Cheers :thumbsup:



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