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Collision Marker not Appearing.


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Hey guys, I'm trying to place down some Collision Markers for the Book-Shelves and they are not appearing. Neither the [C] in dynamic cube nor the CollisionMarker from Object Window seem to work.


I can see the triggers when I open other people's mods in Creation Kit, I can move and re-size those within their cells, yet I can not make one in my own cell. When in utter desperation I attempted to copy/paste the trigger from another mod's cell, all I've achieved was the movement gizmo for it appearing, but not the visual for the trigger. Tried toggling M on and off, but nothing happens still. Is there some trick to making them appear?


Thank you in advance.

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Select any object in the render window. Then press the C-button, the primitive will appear around the object.



That is what I'm doing, nothing happens though, the Primitive's not there and the entire window seems to turn inactive untill I unsellect the [C] button.

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Select any object in the render window. Then press the C-button, the primitive will appear around the object.

I do it the other way. Press the [C] button first and then select an object. This makes a collision cube the size of the selected object. Press 2 to activate the gizmo and resize to suit.


Don't know if it makes any difference which way you do it. I wouldn't imagine so.

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  • 1 year later...

Select any object in the render window. Then press the C-button, the primitive will appear around the object.


Not for me it doesn't. All that appears is a flat sheet, bounds are 30 x 2 x30


The gizmo will stretch it length and width but not depth, it stubbornly stays at 2.0 deep. Even opening the properties window and manually adding the 2.0 depth makes no difference, it just stays at 2.0


I can edit existing collision boxes in the game they stretch x,y and z - but not my own.


anybody have a clue whats going on?


(verified Creation Kit file cache - yes)


edit: nvm, found out there are collision planes and collision cubes, one a big C the other a little c - Creation Kit tut makes no distinction...

Edited by soupdragon1234
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  • 1 year later...

Old topic I'm bringing back from the dead here, but I have the same problem. Collision Markers are invisible in every ESP/ESM, and I am unable to create new ones. Same problem, the [C] button stays pressed but I cannot click anything in the render window.


The only thing I have under View is View Collision Geometry which just shows the collision vertices of the meshes themselves, but does not display the collision markers.


Banging my head against a wall here.

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Old topic I'm bringing back from the dead here, but I have the same problem. Collision Markers are invisible in every ESP/ESM, and I am unable to create new ones. Same problem, the [C] button stays pressed but I cannot click anything in the render window.


The only thing I have under View is View Collision Geometry which just shows the collision vertices of the meshes themselves, but does not display the collision markers.


Banging my head against a wall here.

I usually select the object first then click the [C] on the task bar and the collision cube is created. Are you sure "Markers" are ticked in the show/hide window?

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  • 2 years later...

I ran into the issue of trigger boxes not appearing, and what worked for me was to add the trigger boxes in this fashion... Pushing the T square button at the top of the kit then selecting the trigger you wanted to use.

It took a good hour or so of trying different attempts, from scrubbing through the ini files to pressing c and 2 many many times. I was pulling the triggers directly from the object window, for some peculiar reason the creation kit was not having it.


Hope this helps someone.





Edited by SeriousHammers
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