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Hey wassup


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Hey im new to Nexus and i mostly joined cause a friend of mine who loves Fallout 3 told me about this realistic mod they have for the game


I think its ENB mod.. anyways i wanted to ask do you guys know if the mod is clean.. and not a glitchfest? What games can you get it for




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ENB is pretty good, and I haven't noticed many glitches.

I'd also recommend you check out Fallout Wanderer's edition and Imp's More Complex Needs if you want realism.


Cool thx for replyin


How do these mods work.. so if i download a few of them do they overlap one another or is it like only one mod at a time or will it affect the other mod etc?


Can you explain what Wanderer edition and Imps more complex needs are .. thanks

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You need to move your topic into the appropriate section for whichever game you want answers for. The newbies forum is to introduce yourself to the boards - we have specific forums for each game and for various kinds of topics for each game - such as mod requests, troubleshooting and general help on that game.


BTW, there are several different ENB mods - only one of these should be used.

The game theoretically supports up to 255 mods, but using a lot of large mods may cut this number down some.

Some mods will conflict with others - read the information provided with each mod.

The Mods are for PC only - we do not support Xbox, PS3 or pirated versions.


Here is some generic help on various games we support to get you started. :thumbsup:



This is updated often so come back later for more.


If you use any of this and have some success - or even if nothing works - please post back here what you did that worked or didn't work. That kind of information can be invaluable to other members having the same or similar problems - And to me in fixing any problems in the blog.

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