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I just looked at the motherboard and would not recommend overclocking very far with this board. The powerfases are not cooled and could fail if you increase the voltage.


I OC'ed Core speed is 3000.00Mhz. Played some bf3 and here are the temps and specs. Hasn't crashed on me and I was playing for hours. The heat coming out of my pc was lil hot but not to bad.

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Celerons are very good for overclocking.



Erick those were overclocked under lab conditions, with efficient cooling (probably Liquid nitrogen), and the perfect settings for voltage and speed. Also every other core was turned off for almost every one of those chips. That 8150 at the top that reached 87XX mhz, only did so by turning off seven of its eights processor cores.


Bottom line, just because someone in a lab with the right conditions and know how made it work doesn't mean it will for you, or you will get successful results. Nobody has not posted any in depth records of his system besides the photo he posted. He has not declared whether or not the chip is stable, and has not declared what it looks like under load. Also, I was not able to ascertain what the wattage of his PSU was from the photo he showed, it may be there somewhere but I am not seeing it.


And because I can't see the PSU I (and thus none of you) can say with certainty his PSU is adequate to deliver the ramped up voltages required.


Of course his CPU could and probably is fine under the small overclock he has done, and his PSU most likely is adequate to support it, but to show those records and say celerons are good overclockers is kind of silly.


EDIT: I stand corrected, it would appear the eight core had two logical cores on with all the rest off.

Edited by Dan3345
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I was just joking about the extremely high overclocks and was just showing that celerons where quite popular with overclockers.


The problem is that his motherboard probably can't handle voltage increase.




There is nothing wrong with the processor but the motherboard is clearly not meant for serious overclocking

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I was just joking about the extremely high overclocks and was just showing that celerons where quite popular with overclockers.


The problem is that his motherboard probably can't handle voltage increase.




There is nothing wrong with the processor but the motherboard is clearly not meant for serious overclocking

That page 404's for me but I will take your word on it.


His caps could blow if the motherboard can't take the voltages. Which is of course physically dangerous to the user of the computer.

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