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Lock Your Doors--Skyrim Security


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This idea came to me while I was using Immersive College of Winterhold and Spell Research; the former adds doors to the bedrooms in the Hall of Attainment (among many other things), and the latter adds items such as a cauldron. Unfortunately, whenever I put the Cauldron down in my room, an NPC would inevitably barge into my room to use it. I decided to use the console to lock my doors and then unlock them again whenever I had it out, but then I thought: "why bother with that when there must be some mod that allows you to lock and unlock doors in a more immersive way? Surely someone has made such a mod..."


To my dismay, however, the only such mod is a SPELL, and that seems far less immersive than the idea I think would be simple enough for someone experienced in modding: locks and keys the player can either purchase or forge. You place a lock on a door, chest, display case, etc., then use the key to lock or unlock it via a hotkey of some sort. Have the key in your inventory, look at the door/chest/display case, then press the hotkey; if it's locked, it unlocks and opens. If not, it closes and locks.


I wonder why no one has made such a mod?

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Sorry I can't help you with the mod but I think I found a work-around. When I don't want followers annoying me by using my forge or sitting in my chair I open up the console and click on the object (anvil, alchemy lab, chair, etc...) and type "setownership" without the quotes. This way, they'll have no reason to come into your room in the first place.

Edited by Esotek
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