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SKSE seems to not be working as it should...help please?


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I have just started modding my skyrim game and I recently ran into a problem with SKSE. Up until today, there haven't been any conflicts and everything seemed to be working fine. I just finished installing quite a few mods and then started up skyrim (I have SKSE and SBW). The SBW worked fine, but when I started a new character a window popped up that said SKSE couldn't be detected and that it was "freezing scripts." I have a suspicion that I installed something incorrectly.


I decided to reinstall/update SKSE and run skyrim again. The same window popped up when I started another new character. I typed "getskseversion" into the console, and it gave me: "SKSE version: 1.5.11, release idx 27, runtime 07070000".


I have tried playing the game, but it has not been enjoyable at all - many of the mods that had previously worked had stopped and the new ones weren't working either.


The mods that I installed just before SKSE stopped working are (I'm pretty sure these are all of them):

ACE - Athyra's Comprehensive Enhancements

Belua Sanguinare Revisited - Dynamic Vampires - Belua Sanguinare Revisited 1dot3dot8

Belua Sanguinare Revisited - Dynamic Vampires - RaceCompatibility WoodElf Fix

Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - New hairstyles - Faces - YoungerFacesMergedWithMenByGeonox

Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - New hairstyles - Underwear - Default

Categorized Favorites Menu - CategorizedFavoritesMenu v0_1_15

Complete Crafting Overhaul

Duel - Combat Realism - Duel Combat Realism 5

Economics of Skyrim - Economics of Skyrim v1-3

Enhanced Distant Terrain - Enahnced Distant Terrain 1-4

Lush Grass - Lush Grass 1-4-1

Lush Trees - Lush Trees 1_4

Moonpath to Elsweyr - moonpath to Elsweyr 95beta

Possessive Corpses no more lazy zombies and shy nirnroots - Possessive Corpses 1_8

Realistic Lighting Without Post-Processing - Realistic Lighting 1_6b

Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Vurts Skyrim Flora Overhaul v15a Low-Res version

Smithing Perks Overhaul

Two-handed rebalance - conservative dps version - Two-handed rebalance - conservative dps version

Unofficial Skyrim Patch

WARZONES - Civil Unrest - WARZONES - Civil Unrest - V5B

Weapons and Armor Fixes


So, to summarize, I was wondering if anyone had a similar problem with SKSE or any of these mods and knows how to fix them? Or should I try uninstalling these mods and running skyrim again?


Sorry for such a long post and thanks for your help!

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Sorry cant help you about the skse but isnt

Smithing Perks Overhaul and ACE incompatible ?


The latest version of skse has some different files you need to place in a different section, the skse readme has all the details.

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Downloaded BOSS and it showed be a few mods I had were bugged/not needed, but it didn't fix the SKSE issue. I deleted everything related to SKSE and then reinstalled them (making sure to put them in the proper folders) but the problem is still there.
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