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Ultima 9 Redemption: Who has the assets?


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Greetings to all Ultima and Morrowind Fans!

As someone who has recently entered the Ultima franchise (starting with the worst one - '9') and I was hoping to find some community mods and works to keep interests afloat. Redemption caught my eye as it was a Morrowind mod, and I love modding games like Morrowind. Sadly I have looked everywhere but all links to the devs assets and mod files are gone. Like really gone. The assets were released to the public in 2016 yet it's been 3 years and no one thought of uploading them again online. Not even people who steal assets have uploaded them!


All websites are dead, and links to databases are gone as well. There is no way of downloading the mod or assets online. The only thing that remains are the dead forums and images of this beautiful mod.

So I ask this to the community or anyone involved in the project, does anyone have all the files, mods and assets of Redemption?

It's low to beg, even on forums but this mod is on the danger of going extinct. I really would like to have my hands on all of those assets and hopefully bring something new out of it.

That is all folks.


Edited by Yommumoi
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