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Northview Manor SSE - Beta Testers Request.


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A couple of years back I received permission from Jim known as Raven1979 to taker over his mod Northview Manor. I'm, at present, nearly done with the mod except for minor additions, touch ups and storage container fixes. I ported the mod to SSE for two reason Windows 10 does not play well with Skyrim Oldrim and SSE just plain looks and plays better.


If you are interested in checking out Northview manor in it's updated and SSE version please PM me. I will be posting a download page on my website in the near future.






Have you ever wanted your own island with a town, well here you go.




The Slaughtered Snow Cat is where all the fun is.

The people of Northview know how to party.






The main entry way.




The room to the right is now the crafting area, the dinning room was moved downstairs next to the kitchen.







To the left is still the library and the living room with some new minor additions.







Upstairs is a bedroom with room for four companions.






Down the hall to the master bedroom the alcove now has a study.

The storage in the master bedroom has been updated , and a few perks have been added.




Jewelry and Gem storage

And a hot tub with a Shrine of Dibella





Moving downstairs you'll find the dinning room, kitchen and the Manor Chef, Julia Childs, a very sweet Nord Chef-Food Vendor.

The massive amount of artifact, armor and weapon storage has not been changed only a few items added to dress up the large museum like area which has a lot of room for your collection.



Commander Brogart does the day watch and patrols the Manor wall.




So we say good bye and as we leave Northview and Northview Manor Elga the night guard bids you a fond farewell.



Edited by RadoGamer
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